Chokeberry, rubbed with sugar without cooking

Replenish the stock of spins with an unusually useful treat made of chokeberry, rubbed with sugar without cooking. Such a treat will be necessarily the most beloved in the winter, especially this wonderful sweetness during the active struggle against the common cold.

How to wipe raw black ashberry with sugar - a recipe for winter



We rinse and sort out every berry of black ashberry. Then we give it a good dry, spreading all the berries on a large waffle towel. We place half of the black cherry in the big bowl of the blender, pour half sugar into it and turn on the electric appliance, crush everything to a smooth mashed potatoes. We spread it into a clean pan, scalded with boiling water, and fill the liberated cup with a second portion of mountain ash and fine sugar. We also beat everything and mix it into a container with already crushed rowan. We stir the raw jam with a shovel so that the sugar crystals dissolve more quickly, and then we set the pan aside for 10-15 minutes, covering it with a lid.

Small jars are sterilized above the steam and only after that we pour over them a raw, but useful jam. Hermetically cork them with processed lids and put everything on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where we store our jam.

How to cook chokeberry with lemon, mashed with sugar without cooking?



Lemon carefully cleaned from a thick layer of peel, so that the fruit remains only its juicy lobules. A good look at each of them for the presence of bones, and then let the citrus alternate with the sugar through a fine sieve of electric meat grinder. Following it, we scroll together with the rest of the fine sugar all the washed, stranded and dried black chokeberry. We combine and mix the crushed citrus with the rowan purée. We give this useful mixture to stand for about 20-25 minutes, and after that we distribute everything according to the glass jars, which are well roasted in the oven. We also seal the containers with roasted lids and send a treat to the shelf of the refrigerator. Such jam can stay in the cool for several months without losing its medicinal qualities.