Highlander snake - medicinal properties and application in medicine

Highlander snake by its name due to an unusual form: the root is bent in two places, and resembles a coiled snake. In the people this plant is also called "snake root", "viper grass" or "serpentine". The plant is successfully used in the treatment of many diseases and will be included in various herbal preparations.

Highlander snake - medicinal properties

Some healers saw the similarity of the shape of the root to the cancer neck, because the plant received such a name. It grows in glades, in wet places. Mention of the properties of this plant is found in the manuscripts of Ancient India. In Europe, the possibilities of the mountaineer were discovered only by the 16th century, he quickly gained popularity, thanks to his knitting property. In modern medicine, the snake mountaineer is used to prepare a wide range of drugs, both external and external. The root of this plant is a large pantry of useful substances:

Healing properties are not only the root of the mountaineer snake, but flowers, although their application is different. Flowers are ground and used in the treatment of diseases of the ear. But the mountaineer's root in scientific medicine is called a panacea for very many diseases. What cures the snake mountaineer:

Highlander snake - application in medicine

Snake root application in medicine has received in the form of tinctures and powders, it also makes lotions, decoctions and gargles. In ancient times, many doctors used this plant in the treatment of skin inflammation and bites of rabid animals. Chinese doctors use this plant to treat various tumors. In folk medicine, the serpentine tincture is more often used when:

What medicines are made from a mountaineer snake?

This medicinal plant is used in the manufacture of various broths, infusions, ointments. As a rule, these drugs are used in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as an anti-inflammatory, soothing and hemostatic. With ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis apply such a recipe:

  1. 20 grams of raw material pour a glass of water and boil for half an hour.
  2. Insist 45 minutes, strain, cool, dilute with water to the volume of the glass. Divide into 3 admission.

The snake mountaineer plant is also used in the treatment of lung, stomach or intestinal cancer. The tincture is easy to prepare at home:

  1. Take 50 g finely chopped snake root and 50 grams of chaga.
  2. Filled with vodka or diluted alcohol in proportion to a half-liter.
  3. Insist should be 10-14 days, stored in a place inaccessible to children. Take 20-40 drops three times a day, the course is prescribed from 3 weeks to a decade.

How to take a mountaineer snake, infused with alcohol?

Starting treatment using snake grass, do not expect an instant result. The astringent properties of this plant, as they are digested by gastric juice , are slow. More rapid action than broths, have tinctures from the root of the coil. It has been proved by practice that the snake mountaineer is an effective tincture, the main thing is to observe the correct formula and consult a doctor before going to the reception.

  1. The roots of the plant are crushed.
  2. Pour alcohol, at least 70%, in proportion to one to one.
  3. Adjust for 2 weeks in a cool place, without access to light.
  4. Drink 20-30 drops three times a day before meals, a course of 3 weeks.

Highlander snake - contraindications

With all the medicinal properties available, the root of the mountaineer of the snake has contraindications. A large number of tannins contained in the coil, affects the stomach, causes constipation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply this remedy very carefully, having previously consulted about the dosage with the doctor. At once it is necessary to consider, that the medicine based on a snake root is not recommended to apply: