Cholagogue preparations

Bile is a brown-green liquid secreted by the liver cells (hepatocytes) continuously.

Synthesized bile accumulates in the bile ducts, and from there it enters the gallbladder and duodenum, where it takes an active part in the digestion process. As long as the bile moves along the intestine, most of it gets sucked up with nutrients, and the rest is removed from the body along with the feces.

If the functions of the formation of bile for any reason are violated, then the liver and gallbladder inflammatory diseases become ill, in addition, digestion deteriorates. In this case, prescribe choleretic preparations, the list and classification of which in a rather condensed form, we will try to present below.

Cholagogue drugs

Distinguish cholagogue means:

According to the mode of action (pharmacodynamics), the classification of modern cholagogue preparations is more extensive, but all of them can be combined into two groups:

  1. Choleretics - strengthen the formation of bile acids (LC) and bile.
  2. Cholekinetics and cholespismolytics - improve the excretion of bile in the duodenum by stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder or vice versa relaxing the sphincter of Oddi and the musculature of the bile ducts.

This classification is rather conditional, since the majority of effective cholagogue preparations equally improve both the synthesis and the secretion of bile.


This group of cholagogue medicines, in turn, has the following classification.

True choleretics are drugs, the specificity of which is to increase the secretion of bile and lactic acid. These medicines can:

Hydrocholeretics are drugs that increase the production of bile by the cells of the liver due to the water component. Of this group, the best cholagogue preparations are represented by mineral waters (Jermuk, Essentuki No. 17, No. 4, Izhevskaya, etc.), sodium salicylate and valerian-based products.

Preparations of this group are prescribed for chronic inflammatory liver diseases; violation of outflow of bile (dyskinesia of bile ducts). If necessary, these drugs are combined with antibiotics, laxatives, analgesics.

Cholekinetics and choleospasmolytics

To substances, the effect of which provides for an increase in the tone of the gallbladder and ducts (cholekinetics), include:

These cholagogue preparations are indicated for chronic cholecystitis, violation of outflow of bile (dyskinesia), atony of the gallbladder, chronic hepatitis.

Substances that relax the musculature of the bile duct (holespazmolitiki):

This subgroup of choleretic preparations is effective for cholelithiasis and dyskinesia of hyperkinetic form.

be careful

Prescribe the listed medicines should be exclusively the doctor, as their action differs. Cholagogue preparations for giardiasis, for example, and with pancreatitis, cholecystitis , hepatitis will be different. Therefore, self-medication can only exacerbate the picture of the disease.