Atonic constipation

Violation of the purification of the human body by excretion of stool due to the weakening of the tone of the intestinal muscles leads to the appearance of atonic constipation.

Causes of the disease

The reasons for which there is a decrease in the tone of the colon, there are several:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. This leads to a weakening of the abdominal muscles and, as a consequence, a worsening of the internal organs.
  2. Uncorrected food. A large number of protein and flour products and lack of fiber, in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits, do not provide the gastrointestinal tract with the necessary amount of natural stimuli necessary for natural bowel contractions.
  3. Insufficient water consumption leads to dehydration and compaction of stool.
  4. Abuse of laxatives or enemas.

In addition to these reasons, atonic constipation can occur:

Symptoms of Atonic Constipation

As a rule, the main symptom of atonic constipation is the very absence of defecation for 2-4 days. During this time, the general state of a person is noticeably worse. There is lethargy, weakness, decreased appetite, swelling and abdominal pain. The process of emptying the bowel is difficult, which can lead to the formation of microcracks and the appearance of blood veins in the feces.

The difference between atonic and spastic constipation is that in the first case the volume of fecal masses does not decrease. While with spastic constipation the volume of feces decreases and becomes like small pebbles.

If there is no emptying for more than 3-4 days, the temperature may rise, which indicates an inflammatory reaction of the body and its intoxication .

Treatment of atonic constipation

Treatment is based on changes in the diet. When atony intestine requires an increased amount of fiber, which will play the role of a natural stimulus and stimulate an increase in the tone of the intestinal wall. Useful products with atonic constipation can be called:

When atony, the products are preferably present in raw form without subjecting them to grinding. It is desirable to reduce consumption of flour and sweet products, replacing them with dried fruits, honey and pastries with a content of bran. Also, if possible, reduce the amount of animal protein, replacing it with vegetable (beans, peas, legumes). Diet with atonic constipation allows the use of vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, flaxseed).

To promote the regulation of the stool and the activation of the bowels will help physical exercises aimed at strengthening the press. After consultation with the attending physician, you can connect a therapeutic massage of the abdomen.

It is advisable to use enemas with atonic constipation only after a medical consultation and determining the exact causes of atony. It can be:

  1. Cleansing enemas - aimed at rapid and qualitative cleansing of the intestine. The volume of such enema ranges from one to two liters. A solution for such an enema can be added broth chamomile, natural apple vinegar - this will help normalize the pH balance.
  2. Clefts with oil. Their volume should not exceed 150 ml. The procedure is done before going to bed with warm oil (38-39 degrees). Such enemas contribute to mild fecal progression. The effect of purification after this procedure comes in 8-10 hours.
  3. Enema with hypertonic solution. This solution acts in two directions: softens dense fecal masses and irritates the walls of the intestine. Its volume should not exceed 100 ml. To prepare a solution in 100 ml of warm boiled water, one tablespoon of salt dissolves.