Sore throat without fever

An increase in temperature is considered an indispensable sign of angina. But in fact, sore throat can also go without temperature, if a person has catarrhal tonsillitis.

Symptoms of sore throat without fever

The catarrhal form is extremely rare, the duration of the disease is only 2-4 days. However, if due treatment is not performed during this period, the disease usually smoothly flows into the follicular sore throat, which is impossible without temperature. What is the difference between these two forms of pathology?

Any type of tonsillitis is caused by the active vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, which have chosen for living palatine tonsils. That's only when catarrhal form, their number on tonsils is much less. This is due to a sufficiently high protective barrier in the patient.

The first signs of tonsillitis are perspiration in the larynx and pain. Tonsils blush and swell, as a result of the activity of microorganisms on them there are characteristic abscesses. The larger the tissue area is susceptible to suppuration, the more severe the disease.

Follicular angina is characterized by the presence of small abscesses. If the lesion fuses into large spots, this is a lacunar form. Purulent sore throat without temperature does not occur, since the infectious-inflammatory process is accompanied by intoxication. This leads to activation of immunity. The body is protected from infection, which is indicated by the presence of heat.

With catarrhal tonsillitis, abscesses do not form, so all symptoms common to angina can be present, except for a febrile condition:

However, the catarrhal form can lead to an increase in temperature. But thus it is so insignificant, that the patient simply does not notice it.

Ulcerative necrotizing angina

Before the invention of antibiotics, the common form of tonsillitis was ulcerative necrotic. This pathology differs from other diseases of this group in that its pathogens are the spirochete and spindle-shaped rod. As a result of their joint activity, gum tissue, the back wall of the larynx and tonsils are covered with dirty gray films with a loose consistency. As the films peel off, peptic ulcerations appear. The body is so weak that it can not resist infection, so angina and flows without a symptom like temperature.

Pathology is revealed in people with extremely weakened immunity. Currently, the disease is more often detected in elderly patients with necrotic foci, resulting from dental problems. For example, such a sore throat without temperature and significant pain in the throat at the initial stage can be observed with carious lesions of the posterior molars. At risk are also malicious smokers.

Treatment of sore throat without fever

Is it possible to cure a sore throat without temperature on its own, without visiting the therapist? Using common folk recipes will help reduce symptoms or completely eliminate the soreness and puffiness of the glands. However, herbal decoctions used for rinsing can not eliminate the problem. Therefore, after some time the disease will return.

In addition, the lack of antibiotic therapy often leads to the fact that the pathology passes into a heavier form. Selection of antibacterial drugs occurs individually depending on the causative agent of the disease.

Whether there is a sore throat without a temperature or not - in any case, in the presence of painful sensations in the larynx, it is necessary to get medical advice. Otherwise, chronic tonsillitis can develop, the fight with which will take much longer.