Doxycycline - indications for use

Doxycycline refers to antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines, which makes the scope of its use extremely wide. The medicine is fast and practically does not harm the body. Doxycycline and its indications for use recently are constantly on hearing. The fact that many doctors consider this antibiotic obsolete and ineffective, at the same time, American scientists consider it appropriate to use it to treat 90% of various infectious diseases. Who is right? Let's try to find out.

What is Doxycycline used for?

Active use of Doxycycline has been practiced all over the world for 50 years, therefore there are suggestions that microorganisms have immunity to this antibiotic. Still, doctors continue to assign it to their patients, since the potential threat to health from the drug is minimal, and the ability to fight various infections is very high. Doxycycline has the following indications:

Doxycycline with ureaplasma

Ureaplasma - pathogenic bacteria that live in the urethra and urinary ducts, they often spread to the organs of the reproductive system. Infection occurs sexually, so if you find cells of ureaplasma from one partner, treatment should go both. Doxycycline with ureaplasmosis works as follows:

  1. It enters the blood and spreads through the body for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Having reached the infected zone, it penetrates through the intercellular membrane into the ureaplasma cell and blocks the supply of nutrients to the microorganism.
  3. As a result, infectious cells die within a few hours.

Treatment of ureaplasmosis can last from 7 to 10 days, because the physical capabilities of the body do not allow in a single call to take the amount of antibiotic that can kill all the cells of the ureaplasma immediately. Usually adults are prescribed 100 mg of the drug once a day, in severe cases, the dose can be increased to 200 mg.

Can I take Doxycycline from acne?

In many countries in Europe and in the US, the attitude to antibiotics is quite simple, doctors appoint them even in cases when this can be done without. This is the logic: to date, these drugs have been improved to such an extent that they are completely eliminated from the body. Well, to restore immunity and normal microflora is quite possible with the help of other medications - probiotics , vitamin complexes, immunostimulants. It is for this reason that abroad Doxycycline is often prescribed to fight acne.

How effective is this? Here there are opposite opinions. First of all about how to take Doxycycline from acne. Western experts boldly prescribe a drug course of 2 to 3 months. At us doctors prefer not to exceed terms in 10-14 days of reception of an antibiotic. In the first case, the positive the effect is more resistant, in the second pimples return, as soon as the patient stops taking Doxycycline. After all, not always acne caused by the ingress of skin cells infection, and therefore the antibiotic in these cases is practically useless.

Some cosmeticians suggest using Doxycycline in the treatment of acne, not only internally, but also externally. In this case, the drug acts locally and removes inflammation.

If you still dare to apply the medicine inside, remember: he has a lot of contraindications. In addition, Doxycycline significantly reduces the effect of taking oral contraceptives, so at the time of treatment, use other ways to protect against unplanned pregnancy.