
Chorionepithelioma is a malignant tumor that arises from the epithelial tissues of the chorion after gestation or during the course of pregnancy. It can appear in the uterus, its tubes, neck and even in the ovaries. As a rule, the chorioepithelioma is formed in the place of placenta growth and has the appearance of a peculiar node, which subsequently grows into the uterine cavity or into its muscular layer. The tumor causes destructive effects on the blood vessels, begins to metastasize to the liver, lungs, vagina, brain and other organs.

Symptoms of chorionepithelioma of the uterus

In addition to the main sign of the disease, which manifests itself in the form of bloody discharge from the vagina, a woman can celebrate the following:

The clearest symptom of chorionepithelioma is the changes in the genital organ detected on ultrasound. The uterus becomes enlarged, which is provoked by the growth of the tumor, the muscle softens, acquires an uneven consistency and uncharacteristic for it a tuberous and irregular shape.

Diagnosis of uterine chorioepithelioma

Confirming the presence of the disease is possible in several ways:

  1. Elevated levels of hCG in the blood test (and one that is not inherent in pregnancy).
  2. Histological examination of the material obtained after scraping the uterus or removing the nodes.
  3. X-ray provides an opportunity to identify distant metastases that are located in the bones.
  4. The method of angiography allows to establish the presence of a tumor in the uterus and in the cavity of the small pelvis, to specify its size and exact location.

Treatment of chorioepithelioma of the ovary and uterus

Chemotherapy is the most effective method of getting rid of the disease. But often, even it must be supplemented with surgical intervention and irradiation. The effectiveness of all measures taken depends entirely on the stage at which the disease progresses. The presence of a large metastasis system significantly increases the chances of a fatal outcome of the disease.

Chorionepithelioma of the uterus or bladder skidding is a very terrible disease that occurs quite rarely, but, nevertheless, there are places to be. Treatment of them, as a rule, very difficult and long, because pathologies extremely quickly spread their negative effect on the body. In the qualitative disposal of diseases, a crucial role is played by the woman's responsible attitude to her health and timely passage of all diagnostic methods for identifying chorionepithelioma or bladder skidding.