Do not spoil friendship with sex?

For many years, the debate has not subsided over whether friendship between a man and a woman is found. Many believe that for a long time to maintain such a relationship is impossible, because they will end sooner or later in bed. But maybe, you will not spoil friendship or these concepts are incompatible?

Are there any friendly sex?

They say that those couples are happy where lovers are best friends. And this is really so, the relationship is not built only on passion. But is this the reverse statement, is it true that you will not spoil real friendship with sex? Most psychologists believe that this will certainly happen. In the end, the relationship will go into the phase of love or cease altogether. So the answer to the question of friendly sex - it exists, however, very short. Let's see in detail why this happens.

Sex is not a hindrance to friendship!

Those who do not think this way are as wrong as it might seem at first glance. Friendly sex has many advantages, which makes it attractive.

You can not ruin sex with sex, you'll destroy her sex

Ask why it is so categorical, because above described a fairly convenient model of sexual relations? The fact of the matter is that this is a model that does not work for a long time in practice. And for what reasons:

As you can see, the negative consequences of sex on friendship can be quite serious, so before deciding to decide on it, remember what leads to friendly sex, and think whether you need this result.