Training bouts

For what training fights are needed, how they manifest themselves and how long they last - let's try to understand this difficult issue. Basically, those women who have already passed the pregnancy test and childbirth know what it is. But not all, because we are all different with different sensitivity and there are those who have never felt training fights, but their minority.

For those women who are going to become a mom for the first time, it's unclear what training fights look like, and from what week to expect them. Sudden contractions of the uterus, beginning in the middle of the second trimester, which are not felt as painful, and are irregular, but arise from time to time are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, or false.

Symptoms of training fights

There are such contractions as the tone of the uterus. The abdomen is stony from a few seconds to two minutes, but no more. This happens completely spontaneously, regardless of the position of the body or the type of activity. Most often, training fights during pregnancy are painless, but for a small percentage of women, with increased sensitivity, this condition can cause unpleasant sensations until painful.

If training bouts, except for tone , do not bother anything - there are no sharp pains in the abdomen or lower back, do not leak water or spotting, then you should not worry - this is a physiological feature of this organism. In order for the unpleasant sensation of tonus to pass faster, when the training bouts begin to change the position of the body, you can go out into the fresh air, or vice versa, lie down and leave work, relax.

Training battles are needed for the body, in order for the uterus to be ready for the birth process, and the woman had an idea of ​​the sensations during the birth of the child. To a constant sensation of a strain of the abdomen painful painful pains in the lower back are connected.

Modern doctors advise using these moments to train breathing during labor, because false bouts help a woman understand what will happen to her soon, and therefore, to prepare for this process as best as possible. Exercising breathing exercises is an integral part of the preparation for childbirth, after being already in the maternity ward, the mother in child does not perceive the necessary information and can not use it without preliminary studies in a quiet home environment.

How to recognize training fights before giving birth?

False bouts continue until the birth, but at 37-38 weeks can grow into the most genuine birthmarks . Every pregnant woman on the threshold of childbirth is afraid to miss the beginning of the process. This happens very rarely, basically, a woman at one point realizes with a sinking into the heart - that's it, it's begun!

No training fights are incomparable with fights during labor. In fact, besides, directly uterine contractions, there are simultaneously many other visible and invisible changes in the female body. The stomach begins to rock fairly regularly and the intensity of this tension is constantly increasing. If such cramping sensations are observed more often 4-6 times per hour, then definitely, the generic process has begun, especially if the change in the position of the body does not in any way affect the condition of the stiffness of the uterus.

Gradually or together with contractions can appear pains as during menstruation or a stomach upset, which also often takes place at the beginning of childbirth. Someone has a tear in the lower abdomen or dull pain in the lower back. Each woman describes these feelings in her own way. There is only one - once there was pain, then, the cervix is ​​opening and as soon as it is sufficient, another small miracle will appear, for which you can endure all.