Billets from fizalis for the winter - recipes

Depending on the variety, the fruits of the male are marinated, they are made of caviar and sweet billets - compotes and jam. More details about the specific recipes for the preparations from the Physalis for the winter will be discussed later.

Fizalis pickled - recipe for winter cooking



Before harvesting fruits, they necessarily blanch, removing the wax coating from the surface. Prepared in this way fizalis cut in half, laid out in jars and poured a simple marinade, consisting of a liter of boiling water, mixed with the rest of the ingredients from the list. Banks immediately roll up with scalded lids and leave them turned upside down.

Caviar from vegetable fizalis for the winter



Blanched for a couple of minutes physalis finely chopped. Further cooking caviar from such fruits resembles the preparation of a similar billet of mushrooms: the vegetable is fried with onions and garlic, flavored with vinegar, mixed with butter, spices and herbs. Once the caviar is boiled to the desired density, it is laid out on a sterile container and rolled up.

Compote from the Physalis for the winter


To a can of 3 liters:


Blanched fruits are placed in cans, filled with sugar syrup and left for 15 minutes. Then the liquid is drained, re-boiled, again poured into jars and immediately rolled up.

How to cook jam from the physalis for the winter?



Blanched physalis is completely immersed in boiling sugar syrup, cooked for 5 minutes, and then completely cooled. The boiling-cooling procedure is repeated twice more, after which the blank is laid out on sterile cans and rolled up.

This jam is popularly known as "Pyatiminutka", thanks to this technology, the fruits preserve color and benefit well.