Poisoning with methyl alcohol

Methyl alcohol is a liquid that does not have a color. It is less toxic than ethanol, but it forms dangerous substances for humans (formaldehyde gas and formic acid). This product is widely used in industry, but often the poisoning with methyl alcohol occurs when it is used instead of ethanol, which often occurs during falsification.

Poisoning with methyl alcohol - symptoms

When poisonous components get into the body, the first signs of damage become visible after eight hours. An easy degree is characterized by such manifestations:

After a week, a full recovery comes.

The middle stage is accompanied by a worsening of vision. Getting into the stomach of methyl alcohol causes not only poisoning, the use of a dose of 10 or more ml can lead to dazzling. Blindness occurs approximately on the second day after the defeat of the body with alcohol. In general, there is no threat to life, however, only 10% of cases can completely restore the vision.

With severe form of poisoning observed:

The outlook is disappointing. Lethal outcome can occur the next day after the onset of the disease.

Poisoning with methyl alcohol - first aid

Assistance to the poisoned includes:

  1. Calling a doctor or delivering a victim to a hospital
  2. Providing access to fresh air.
  3. Preservation and transfer to the doctors of products that poisoned the victim.
  4. When poisoning with methyl alcohol, emergency care consists in washing the stomach with a soda solution. The patient needs to drink a liter of the drug and then induce vomiting. After this procedure, he must take any laxative drug.
  5. In case of chills, wrap the patient with blankets and put the heating pad on.

Treatment with methanol poisoning

Restoration of the affected organism includes such procedures:

The introduction of an antidote in the poisoning of methyl alcohol (ethanol) prevents oxidation and accelerates the withdrawal of toxic substances.

The internal method of administration involves the use of 40% alcohol once every three hours. For intravenous administration, an alcohol solution can be used on glucose.