Church of La-Company

The Church of La Company is one of the most luxurious and affluent churches in Ecuador and throughout South America. The majestic building is striking even from afar, from the Plaza Grande square - a facade adorned with twisted columns and a statue, on the side of San Francisco Square - with golden and green domes. It is considered one of the most visited attractions of Quito and its business card.

History of the Church

Like all the first churches in the Spaniards conquered territories, La-Company was initially housed in a simple unpretentious building. In 1605, a powerful Jesuit order began to build a large baroque temple from volcanic stone, using the work of Indians. New Christian churches were supposed to amaze the impression of local residents not only with external, but also with inner splendor, therefore, for interior decoration, gold and silver from open deposits were used. As much as 7 tons of gold went to the design of the church of La-company, therefore, as soon as in the 18th century. its erection was completed, she immediately took an honorable place in the list of the richest temples of South America.

Interiors La-Company

The most beautiful thing in the church is the La-Company - luxurious interiors, in the guise of which there are influences of the predominant Moorish and Spanish architecture. The paintings of arches are considered the answer of the local art school to the famous Sistine Chapel. Impressive imagination beautiful figures of saints and sketches on the biblical and evangelical plots of the work of Ecuadorian sculptors and artists of the 17-18 centuries. The color scheme is dominated by a purple color (a reminder of the blood of Christ), and, of course, gold. It is everywhere: on the side altar niches, on the walls, on the ceiling, and on the main altar, which is under a remarkable dome vault. The chair and the confessional are made of wood, decorated with filigree carving. The main shrine of the Church of La-company is the icon of the Mother of God of the Afflicted, but the icon itself is not stored in the temple, but in the Central Bank in a safe, so there is practically no chance to see it. She returns to the church just a few days a year, only on major holidays, on all other days in the church is a copy. In La-Company, Santa Marianita de Jesus, the patron saint of Quito, is buried. When the city was struck by an epidemic of plague, she wished to atone for the sins of her compatriots and invited God to take her life. Soon she really died, and in 1950 was ranked as a saint. Unfortunately, photography is prohibited in La-company, but the impressions that you will have after visiting this church will never be forgotten.

How to get there?

The Church of La Company is located in the historic center of Quito . It can be reached by public transport, bus or trolley bus, the landmark is the Plaza Grande stop.