Taurine - what is it and what products it contains?

Proper healthy eating is the guarantee of a happy life for every person. At the same time, the balanced use of foods rich in vitamins and microelements is important. The presence of amino acids in them is one of the important conditions. Taurine what is it, what is its benefit and harm offered to know.

What is taurine?

Not everyone knows what taurine is. It is an amino acid that is needed by the human body. Thanks to her, the cells are restored and grown. This biologically active substance is intended to be responsible for such processes as lipid metabolism and the transmission of nerve signals. It can be synthesized in the body on the basis of sulfur-containing amino acids - cysteine ​​and methionine.

The main difference of taurine can be called its ability to be in tissues in a free form. The highest concentration of the substance in:

There is no doubt about the benefits of this active substance. Taurine is an amino acid that excellently dissolves in the liquid and can restore the normal performance of almost every organ. Deficiency of this component can be dangerous to health, resulting in mental damage, metabolic disorders, and even power performance. This amino acid is rich in such vital elements as potassium, sodium and calcium.

What foods contain taurine?

Hearing a lot of positive feedback about this component, many will want to quickly acquire it. Biologically active substance can be bought in a regular pharmacy, or in one of the popular online stores as a food supplement. However, there are natural analogs. Products containing taurine are present in our daily diet. If desired, you can create a special menu, which will be attended by your favorite and very useful food . This component can be found in:

Taurine - good and bad

Many know what taurine is and what kind of amino acid it is good for and harmful to the human body. Taurine is very important for women and men of different ages. Among the significant advantages of the substance:

Among the minuses of this component:

Taurine is a good

About this amino acid you can hear a lot of both positive and negative. However, still more positive feedback from all those who once applied biologically active substance in their diet, although not everyone knows what taurine is for. The use of this biologically active substance is undeniable:

  1. It is an excellent antioxidant that can prevent the onset of cancer.
  2. Reduces the level of glucose, which is important for people suffering from diabetes.
  3. Participates in the formation of the retina of the eye and contributes to its recovery after the injury.
  4. It can lower blood pressure, which means that the risks of getting atherosclerosis are minimal.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.
  6. Helps the body to allocate additional energy in stressful and extreme situations.

Taurine - harm

Popular in the environment of athletes and slimming biologically active substance has a number of useful properties for the average person. However, not for everyone this amino acid is useful. Often, before it is used, they are interested in what harm taurine is. Such fears are celestial, because due to excessive activity of the substance there are risks of overloading the cardiac activity, reducing pressure and excessive production of bile. This component is not recommended for use with:

Do not abuse this biological component. Otherwise, the body will work on wear and tear, the amino acid can not have a beneficial effect on the body, but will only harm it. Taurine can become dangerous for the heart, brain, resulting in reduced attention, stress resistance and performance. Doctors do not recommend combining the active substance with alcohol and coffee. Such combinations can have a negative effect on the circulatory system.

Taurine in sport

In the composition of sports nutrition there are biologically active additives, among which there is this component. Taurine in bodybuilding is necessary for the reason that it is able to favorably influence the athlete's skeleton, strengthening it and preventing the occurrence of stress, and also contributes to the build-up of muscle mass. Often, people who lead an active lifestyle literally exhaust their body with regular training, as a result of which they remain without important elements. The presence of taurine supplements for athletes in nutrition will be the best solution.

What is taurine in power engineering?

There is taurine in energy drinks. Here it has many useful properties. If the amino acid is used additionally, it is possible to lower the blood sugar level , which will be useful both for people suffering from diabetes and for everyone watching their own figure. Although the substance is not able to burn the existing fat, it can prevent the deposition of a new one. However, its most important function in power engineering is the function of the antioxidant.

Taurine for weight loss

There is information about the fact that this biologically active substance contributes to weight loss and therefore women are interested in how to take taurine. However, in reality there is no scientific basis that could confirm that the amino acid is really capable of burning fat and accelerating metabolism. If you add an amino acid to a high-calorie diet, there is a possibility of aggravating the condition of a person. Positive results can be observed to an insignificant degree when a person wishing to lose weight not only observes a diet, but also leads a sportive active lifestyle.

Taurine - contraindications

Not only athletes and those who want to lose weight know what taurine is and what its pluses are. Especially useful is taurine in hypertension. However, using drugs based on biologically active substances, it is important to remember and about contraindications. So use this component is not possible for people who have hypersensitivity to it, or have allergic reactions, or disrupted health. Especially cautious should be used drugs with amino acid content for pregnant women and nursing mothers.