Blood from the nose in the child

Nasal bleeding in children is a rather frequent and rather frightening phenomenon. Indeed, the blood on the face and clothes of the child is not a spectacle for the faint-hearted parents. But you will panic and be horrified afterwards, at the moment of bleeding the main thing is to stop it, and only after revealing the reason.

How to stop the blood from the nose in a child?

After the bleeding is stopped, it is necessary to understand, because of what it happened. Often, there is no serious reason behind it, since the nasal mucosa in the child itself is very loose and vulnerable, and the blood vessels are located very close to its surface, that is, it is easily damaged even by the simplest actions.

The causes of nasal bleeding in children:

These are the most common causes that trigger single, episodic bleeding in children. If the injuries are not serious, then there are no grounds for worrying and it is quite possible to cope with such bleeding independently. Anxiety should cause frequent nasal bleeding in children, perhaps they are the result of more serious bleeding.

Diseases that cause nasal bleeding in children:

Thus, often repeated nasal bleeding in children should be treated with the help of specialists, because they are one of the signs of serious diseases, which can not be ignored in any case. Also, the reason for going to the doctor should be a difficult nasal breathing in case of bleeding or if the bleeding lasts more than 20 minutes.

Preventative measures to prevent nasal bleeding in children: