Cinnarizine for newborns

Establishing the correct diagnosis of an infant, especially a newborn, is a very difficult task, which only physicians should decide. Particular attention requires violations related to the work of the central nervous system of the baby. Today, many newborns are diagnosed with "increased intracranial pressure" several days after delivery. If it will annoy the child for a long period, the result may be hydrocephalus, as well as the expansion of fluid cavities of the brain. It is logical that this expansion can occur solely due to a decrease in the mass of the brain substance. Such processes on the health of the child can not but affect negatively. In addition, the infant's brain has not yet been fully formed, and unceasing pressure will provoke mental retardation.

The first person who should pay attention to deviations in the development of a newborn is to become a mother. Pathological changes manifest themselves quite noticeably, so parents should have an alarm if they are available and turn to specialists without delay. Of the most striking symptoms, it should be noted rapid growth of the head volume, refusal to drink, dropping pupils down, strabismus, periodic vomiting, regurgitation, sleep disturbances and protrusion of the fontanel. Such children are often characterized by increased excitability.

What to do and how to treat?

The first thing that the doctor recommends to his parents after the first treatment is to examine the child with additional methods. Children under the age of one year are prescribed ultrasound of the skull, since the fontanel is not completely overgrown.

When confirming the diagnosis, newborns are prescribed special drugs - diuretics. Their spectrum for today is wide enough. Over the years, cinnarizine for newborns has established itself as an effective drug. Frequent indications for the use of cinnarizine for children under one year are based on the fact that there are times when time is priceless. In the annotation to cinnarizine, contraindications are clearly marked - it can not be prescribed until the age of five. However, experienced doctors know how to give cinnarizine to a baby and in what dosages. Newborn children dosage of cinnarizine is prescribed strictly individually and only in those cases when the benefit of treatment exceeds the risks to the health of the baby. Physicians always actively insist on the need for urgent treatment of infants, as this helps prevent irreversible damage to the central nervous system. In addition, the side effects of cinnarizine are minimal. The composition of cinnarizine includes substances that improve nutrition and blood circulation of the brain, the drug acts as a sedative.

It's impossible to say exactly how long it takes to take cinnarizine. Treatment can last from three weeks to several months, provided that the drug is taken continuously.

Supplement to general treatment

To improve the effectiveness of treatment, along with cinnarizine recommended to deal with breastfeeding swimming. It helps to save the baby from unnecessary muscle tension. In addition, with muscle hypotension the tone rises. Good results are also provided by medical gymnastics, which must be done daily.

Medical treatment in combination with additional physical exertion will help to normalize the work of the central nervous system of the child. A few months later, the parents will already notice positive changes.