Treatment with potato juice

These root crops are very popular, and they are often used to prepare various dishes, but the scope of this vegetable is more extensive, for example, with the help of potato juice can be treated a number of diseases.

Treatment with potato juice and contraindications

This juice can be used as an aid in the treatment of gastritis, constipation, sore throat, stomach ulcer , pyelonephritis.

The main contraindications to the use of potato juice for the treatment of stomach or constipation are the individual intolerance of this product, the presence of diabetes . And, of course, it is impossible to completely replace preparations and procedures prescribed by a doctor, with folk medicine prescriptions, but they can be used as additional ones after consulting a specialist. Just do not forget to get a doctor's permission on the methods described below, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.

Treatment of gastritis with potato juice

The method of treating gastritis with potato juice is quite simple. It is necessary to take 2-3 large root crops, peel them, wash them well, rub them on a fine grater and squeeze out the resulting liquid from the resulting gruel. Drink half the glass of this juice in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before breakfast. The course of procedures lasts 10 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for the same period, if desired, immediately after the given time, you can repeat the reception of the remedy again according to the same scheme (10 days reception of juice, 10 days break).

Potato juice for the treatment of intestines

Treatment of the intestines with potato juice is as follows: freshly squeezed liquid in an amount of 1/3 cup is drunk 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is from 5 to 7 days, after which it is necessary to arrange a break for 10-12 days. Applying root juice according to this scheme, you can get rid of constipation and flatulence, but it is worth remembering that if on the 2-3 day of taking the remedy the situation does not change for the better, or on the contrary, only gets worse, the procedures should be interrupted.

When using any of these methods, only freshly squeezed juice should be used, otherwise it will not benefit the body, so prepare the preparation just before you drink it. Also, try not to eat fatty foods, alcohol and a large number of sweets during treatment.