Eustoma - growing out of seeds at home

Eustoma or lisianthus refers to an amazing plant that leaves no one indifferent. Judge for yourself - dense herbaceous stems, crowned with a scattering of tender, very similar roses, buds. In nature, more than 60 species of eustoma occur, while only Russell's eustoma are suitable for domesticated growth. On the subtleties of growing eustoma from seeds at home, we'll talk today.

Growing room eustomomy from seeds

We will make a reservation at once, that growing an eustoma house can not be attributed to simple tasks - it is quite a complicated and painstaking process. The seeds of this plant are very, very small, one can say microscopic, and the seedlings often fall prey to the black leg and other fungal diseases. Therefore, success will be achieved only if the following rules are fulfilled:

  1. For seeding, it is better to use purchased seeds that have undergone special treatment - their germination rate is 60-70%.
  2. The sowing of the eustoma is carried out at the end of August or beginning of September.
  3. To grow seedlings, a very loose nutrient soil is necessary, for example, a substrate for flowering plants with a pH of 6-7 and a low nitrogen content.
  4. Sowing is done superficially, and then cover the tank with lisianthus glass or film, not forgetting to leave the ventilation slots. Over a mini-greenhouse, lamps are installed for lighting up for 10-12 hours a day. For successful germination of seeds, the temperature in the room should not be below +20 degrees.
  5. Sprinkle crops with a spray gun as the soil dries.
  6. After punching the first shoots of the eustoma, the greenhouse is removed, and care includes periodic spraying with phytosporin.
  7. For individual pots, the eustoma dive in the phase of two real leaves, while trying not to touch the root system.