Essential oil from mosquitoes

Mosquito bites deliver a lot of discomfort, causing painful itching and severe irritation. The greatest threat to the bites of these insects is for allergic people, in whom reaction to them can be very difficult. Also do not forget that mosquitoes are carriers of some infectious diseases.

Therefore, it is necessary to protect yourself from mosquitoes - both on the street and at home. Today there are a lot of special means for this, but many of them are far from being safe for humans. But there is another, safer and accessible to all method of saving from mosquitoes - the use of essential oils. Consider what kind of essential oil repels mosquitoes, and how to apply it.

Essential oils that repel mosquitoes

It is established that mosquitoes react sensitively to smells. These insects attract the smell of the human body, namely, substances that are released during breathing and sweating. They are able to "find a victim" by smell at a distance of up to 50 m. But there are smells that mosquitoes do not tolerate.

So, here are some essential oils that scare off mosquitoes:

The most effective mosquitoes are carnation essential oils and citronella.

Methods of using essential oils against mosquitoes

There are several ways to protect against mosquitoes with the help of essential oils:

  1. You can prepare a spray from mosquitoes. To do this, mix 100 ml of water, 10 ml of alcohol and 10 - 15 drops of any of the above essential oils (or a mixture of several of them). Then the resulting solution must be poured into a pre-prepared flask with a spray gun. These tools can be sprayed on the premises, and can also be applied to clothing and exposed skin.
  2. To scare away bloodsucking insects in the room you can use an aroma lamp. To do this, pour a small amount of hot water into the aroma lamp, add 5 - 7 drops of essential oil from mosquitoes and light a candle.
  3. At home, you can easily prepare body cream from mosquitoes. It is enough to simply mix the essential oil that repels mosquitoes, with a body cream (better with unromatized). You can apply this remedy before going to bed or going outside.
  4. Going to the nature with friends, you can prepare for them useful gifts that will save them from mosquitoes, - beads or bracelets. To do this, rub the essential oil from mosquito wood beads or drip a small amount on a wide tape, which can be tied on the arm.
  5. To prevent the penetration of mosquitoes into the room, you can process window frames, doorways, flower pots, etc. a preparation made from 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil and 10 to 15 drops of essential oil from mosquitoes. This same mixture can be applied to the wrist.

Essential oils from mosquitoes - precautions

It is worth considering that each essential oil has its own contraindications, and their overdose can trigger the development of various side effects. Many oils should be used with caution in the following categories of people:

Before using essential oils, carefully read their contraindications, and it is better to consult the doctor in addition. It is also possible to carry out two tests on the tolerability of essential oil:

  1. Olfactory test: apply a drop of oil on a piece of tissue and periodically inhale the fragrance throughout the day.
  2. Skin test: rub a mixture prepared from half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and one drop of essential oil from mosquitoes into the elbow bend or wrist.

In the absence of unpleasant sensations (headache, redness, itching, etc.), essential oil can be used.