Cold hands and feet

Constantly cold hands and feet - this problem is almost every third woman on our planet. The hands and feet of such women can remain cold even in the hottest weather, which causes considerable inconvenience. People with cold hands are forced to more thoroughly warm, wear warm gloves and woolen socks, instead of silk stockings. Nevertheless, even these tricks do not solve the problem of always cold hands and feet. Many scientists are trying to understand this natural mystery, and to date a clear answer to the question "Why are there people who always have cold hands?"

Why cold hands and feet?

Scientists found that in women, the thermoregulation in the body is weaker, compared to men. These are what nature has done for us. However, there are other causes of cold hands:

Cold hands of a child

The cold hands of a child can mean that he is very frozen or sick. If cold hands and feet in a child are accompanied by a temperature, then this indicates a cold or flu. As a rule, the problem of cold hands and feet in a child goes by itself during recovery.

Cold hands of the baby - this is not a reason for anxiety, if the baby normally eats and develops. In newborns, heat exchange is significantly different from the heat exchange of adults, so even with severe heat, the baby has cold hands. However, if the baby has ceased to be active and his appetite is gone, cold feet and hands can be a sign of the disease. In this case, the pediatrician should be called.

Tips for owners of constantly cold hands and feet:

  1. If you do not suffer from heart disease and do not have other contraindications, then the bath is a great way to warm up the whole body well.
  2. To charge yourself with energy and well "disperse" blood through the body, begin the morning with gymnastics.
  3. Strengthen control over nutrition. At least once a day you need to take hot food.
  4. Include in the diet ginger tea. Ginger has the ability to warm up the body and improve blood circulation.
  5. Quit smoking. With each tightening, there is a spasm of blood vessels in our body, as a result of which blood circulation is disrupted and hands and feet become cold.
  6. 6. Give up tight clothes and shoes, especially in the cold season. All items of the wardrobe that squeeze the skin, disrupt heat exchange.