Why does acne appear on my back?

Pimples are quite common nuisance. It often worries adults of both sexes. The causes of the appearance of a rash may be several. However many, not having defined, why on a back there are spots, try to solve independently this problem, risking only to aggravate it.

Why do pimples appear on the back?

Before taking any measures to eliminate the rash, it is necessary to understand the main factors leading to its formation.

Usually this phenomenon is associated with:

Also, pimples can appear due to the influence of such factors:

  1. Wearing synthetic clothing prevents air penetration and moisture absorption, which makes sweat a favorable breeding ground for microbes.
  2. Nervous tension and persistent stress also explain skin problems.
  3. Too tight clothing that creates friction.
  4. Prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  5. Inadequate hygiene, which may be needed for problem skin .
  6. To an increased formation of toxins and toxins leads to improper nutrition, the use of fast food and sugary drinks.
  7. The lack of vitamins leads to inflammation of the skin.

Why do acne appear on the back of women?

Often such a reaction arises in response to the use of a new cosmetic. Often carrying out of procedure of a peeling leads to an inflammation of a skin and formation of even more number of spots.

In addition, there are internal causes:

  1. Hormonal failure occurring during menopause, after abortion or during pregnancy.
  2. Impaired thyroid function and some endocrine diseases.
  3. Owners of long curls often suffer from a rash on the back, due to the fact that the hair is a carrier of particles of dust and dirt that clogs the pores.