Cold without temperature

Cold refers to a disease in which a viral infection affects the upper respiratory tract. Usually the common cold can flow, both in a mild form, and in a heavier one. It all depends on what type of viral pathogen caused by the disease.

Usually, children and people with lowered immunity suffer heavier colds. A normal adult can be ill with a cold disease without any complications. Often, a common cold does not cause fever.

Symptoms of a cold

For a cold without a rise in temperature, the same signs are characteristic as for a normal viral infection. With a mild form of the disease, the symptoms can be smoothened or little expressed, but still present.

And although the body temperature does not increase, the sensations are still not pleasant, therefore, in order to avoid complications and aggravation of the situation, it is better not to ignore the initial symptoms and take appropriate measures.

The incubation period for any viral disease is about 2-3 days, so the symptoms can appear gradually, not all at once. Colds without fever can also be accompanied by a headache against a background of general malaise.

To treat or not?

Nobody can give a definite answer to this question. It is believed that a person who has strong immunity, the cold passes on his own for 5-7 days. But, do not pay attention to malaise and the first signs of the disease, also not worth it. It is necessary to take urgent measures to increase immunity and avoid additional stresses on the body. That is why it is recommended to perform general medical and preventive measures:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids (teas, juices, fruit drinks, water).
  2. Maximum compliance with bed rest (in the economy mode, the body will be able to put all its forces into the fight against the disease, and not be distracted by other things).
  3. You can take antiviral medications recommended by your doctor.

Treatment of cold without temperature with the help of medications is not necessary, you can use the old proven grandmother's methods (viburnum, raspberry, dog rose and others).

But if the state of health, despite the lack of temperature, to put it mildly, is not very good, you should take antiviral drugs that help the body to overcome the disease faster. These include, for example:

In their composition, there are components that help the body cope with the virus, by activating the internal immunity of a person.

The flow of a cold without a rise in temperature is usually good, as it indicates the presence of a sufficiently strong immunity capable of coping with viruses. It can be bad only if any other disease is masked for a cold. Therefore, you should see the doctor and take action, based on the general state of well-being.