Inflammation of the rectum

Due to malnutrition and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, on the background of chronic diseases of digestive organs, venereal pathologies and other disorders of the body, inflammation of the rectum or proctitis develops. This is a common disease, which can occur in acute and chronic form. It is difficult to diagnose, because the signs of the proctitis are poorly expressed.

Symptoms of inflammation of the rectal mucosa

Clinical manifestations of the disease correspond to its form and variety.

Common signs of acute proctitis:

Symptoms may vary depending on the type of inflammation, for example, polypous proctitis on the internal walls of the body produces growths, and with erosive form the mucosa is covered with ulcers.

Clinic of chronic disease:

The symptoms of a slow proctitis are poorly expressed, therefore it is more difficult to diagnose it.

How to treat inflammation of the rectum?

Depending on the form of the disease, the therapy is carried out in a hospital or outpatient.

Standard treatment regimen:

1. Compliance with diet.

2. Reception of systemic medicines:

3. Local effects:

Any systemic preparations and suppositories for inflammation of the rectum should be prescribed by the proctologist after the cause of the inflammation and its pathogens are established. Self-management is extremely dangerous.

How to treat inflammation of the rectum with folk remedies?

A good complement to the traditional approach to the treatment of the disease in question are therapeutic enemas with decoctions of the following medicinal herbs:

Also, the listed plants can be insisted for performing warm sessile baths.