Therapeutic properties of Kalanchoe degressonum

Kalanchoe, which has a large number of species, has long been used for medicinal purposes. This tropical plant has become so established in our region that it can be seen almost on every window sill. In this case, the most often used for therapeutic purposes is the Kalanchoe Degremona, the medicinal properties of which are widely used in folk medicine. At the same time this wonderful plant has not yet fully revealed its secrets, and not all of its useful properties have been studied to the end. In this case, the benefit of any plant is due to its composition.

Chemical composition of the plant

In the composition of this plant species are found:

Use of plant products

The useful properties of Kalanchoe are reflected in the recipes of traditional medicine. So, for the removal of toothache, stop bleeding, treatment of purulent inflammations use drugs prepared from the leaves of the plant. To do this, freshly cut leaves are washed and carefully crushed. The resulting pulp is used in the form of compresses and applications. Juice plants are used to treat skin diseases and remove pigmentation spots and freckles. Useful properties of plants are recognized and official medicine, so in pharmacies you can find ointments and tinctures, cooked on the basis of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe degremona has wide therapeutic properties, and contraindications to its use are not found.