How to tie a man to him?

Of course, we all laugh at the words "and they lived happily ever after, and never quarreled." But tell me, which of us would not want to know how to tie a beloved man to him forever? And having heard enough about divorces and having seen enough of unfortunate women, so it would be desirable to be assured, that your family is indestructible. So how do you tie a man to yourself?

How to tie a husband to her?

How to attach to him, many married ladies think. And what to think here, everything is simple - become an ideal wife, having previously specified the criteria for a loved one, and he will never leave you. But maybe you already are, maybe you are doing well and do not need to invent anything? If this is so, then forget about all your fears, put aside the matter and run to your husband with tenderness and tenderness. No technique will replace your sincere warmth and love.

The discrepancy between his behavior and his ideals? Do not rush to redraw yourself, first think about whether it's worth it. It's one thing when you are hinted that it would be nice to pay more attention to cooking borsch (there are few potatoes in it), and quite another, if you have to break yourself in order to adjust to the ideal. The latter should not be done in any case, you will regret it more than once. After all, your husband chose you and fell in love not only for his eye-popping appearance, your unique character certainly played a role in the conquest of this man. So it is not worth changing oneself, but it's better to try to find a compromise that would suit both - the ability to negotiate and in family life is valuable.

Well, as for the rest - try to warm up the interest of the husband to his person. This applies to both your sexuality and your business success. Yes, the birth and upbringing of the child, things are important, and if you can sit with the baby it's excellent. But you can not do this alone. There are masses of stories of the collapse of couples when a woman devoted herself to the family, completely forgetting about herself. The result is that she became uninteresting to her husband, she does not have time to take care of herself, what attraction there is, she also has nothing to talk with - at too different stages of development she and her husband began to be. To prevent this, learn from other people's mistakes and try to avoid them.

How to tie a married man to him?

By the way, do you want to learn how to tie a man to yourself, in case the loved one is not single? Since here it is a question of a lover, and not of a husband, you will have an order of magnitude more difficult. You will need to forget about the scandals, claims and refusals, because he is already tired of all this at home, and he goes to see you, what his wife can not give. But even if you are the sweetest, kind and obedient, not the fact that he will decide for your sake for a divorce. After all, the family is not just a word, and it's difficult to take such a responsible step as its destruction. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that the mistress of the whole world think it is possible to tie a man, and most importantly, by sex, or maybe a child? To begin with, remember that if you are not interested in a man, then no tricks will help. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to tie a man to a child is definitely not. Is it possible to tie a man with sex, you ask? Yes, you can bind, but only for a while. The maximum that you can achieve is the desire of a man from time to time to come to you for a portion of good sex. But do not expect that these meetings will be regular, and there is no guarantee that one day they will cease. Therefore, only sex is not enough, a married man should find a rest for you both for the body and for the soul. Bad mood and neglected appearance you are now contraindicated. In general, you must become a dream for this man, and then, perhaps, he will become yours. But remember, the enterprise is risky and success can not be guaranteed.

If you are considering the word "tie" from the point of view of various magical acts, such as fortune telling and inherent, think soberly, do you really believe in all this, and so it is necessary. After all, any binding is violence against the free will of man. Do you really want to do this with your beloved?