Conspiracy to call the one who needs it

There are situations when you are waiting for a phone call for a long time, but the device is silent. In this case, you can bring the desired to yourself with the help of magic . All rituals are simple and do not require special skills, which means that everyone will be able to cope with them.

Conspiracy to call the one who needs it

It is necessary to keep in hands a phone or an object that is connected with a person, and say these words:

"My light is sweet, my light is sweet, why have I forgotten?"

Look to me, dial my number. "

How to make a person call - conspiracy

A simple ritual is suitable in the event that a recent acquaintance does not get in touch, and to call the most scary. It is important to consider that the conspiracy will help only if the meeting and exchange of contacts occurred recently. To begin the ceremony is exactly at midnight. On the table spread the red fabric, and on it put the same color candle in a saucer or candlestick. Next, place the phone face up. Looking at the phone, imagine how the man is ringing, your dialogue, etc. After that, three times read such an effective conspiracy that the right person called:

"Any voice, darling, I want to hear you. You stole my heart, but fired into my soul. Dial urgently my number (say clearly and slowly the numbers of your number one by one), because it's important for me! "

With melted wax, drip onto your arm and roll a small ball out of it. During this, repeat the plot again. Wear the ball next to the phone, for example, put it in a case or in the pocket of a bag. When a person comes out, the ball can be thrown away.

Conspiracy to call the right person

If you like a man for a long time does not make itself felt, then it is worth pushing him to take decisive action with the help of magic. To perform the ritual, you need to take a lit church candle in one hand and hold it so that the flame deviates outward. In the other hand, hold the object that relates to the object of adoration, for example, its lighter or photo. After this, repeat this conspiracy:

"I lie down, I pray, but when I get up, I'm baptized. Under the earth worms, and above the ground beasts. The Sun and the Moon have risen, and I am alone. So let the Lord bless me, and in my business helps. The key. Castle. Language".

Repeat the words until the candle itself goes out. It is important to say the words without stopping and hesitating.