How to attract money - the most effective ways

In the modern world, financial stability is of great importance. People working with energies argue that to get rid of poverty you need to know how to attract money. For this purpose, there are different ways, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by many people.

How to attract money to the house?

If a person believes in the action of energy, the existence of magic and the Higher Forces, then he can use numerous techniques to help improve the material situation. The attraction of money can be done through various prayers, rituals, meditations and so on. The main thing is to believe in their action, otherwise nothing will turn out.

Rite of attracting money

There is a large number of rituals that help attract cash flow. The presented ritual must be performed on the night of the new moon or on the full moon. For him, prepare a saucer, a green candle and a note of medium dignity, which must be earned or received for delivery. The ritual for attracting money is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. Exactly at midnight, sit down at the table and light a candle in front of you. Take a bill and imagine how it turns into a cash flow that envelops and gives happiness. It is important to visualize everything in small details for a minimum of five minutes.
  2. After that, set fire to the bill and put it in a saucer to collect the ashes. Go to the open window to blow out the ashes and three times tell the plot.
  3. The candle should completely burn, and the remaining wax must be thrown out, so that it is not at home. If the rite worked, then in a few days it will be possible to see the result. Such ways of attracting money can be used after a month, not more often.

Mantra for attracting money

It is believed that with the right combination of sounds, a person can discover for himself the endless possibilities of the universe. This task is handled by mantras that affect the human brain, opening and tuning the internal potential. If you are interested in how to attract money into your life, then you can use special mantras that will help attract financial prosperity. There are several recommendations concerning the pronunciation of special sound combinations:

  1. It is important not only to listen, but also to chant mantras and best to do it in a whisper and singing.
  2. The ideal number of repetitions is 108, because this is a sacred Vedic number. In order not to lose count, it is recommended to use special beads with 108 beads. You can also repeat the mantle multiple of three times.
  3. For easy and quick enrichment, you can repeat this mantra: KUNG-RONO-AMA-NILO-TA-VONG .

Affirmations for raising money

A popular psychological technique aimed at positive changes in different life spheres is based on repeated repetition of affirmations . With its help, you can independently form a program for success in your own subconscious. Please note that it is possible to attract money only thanks to the active work of a person. There are certain rules how to work with affirmations:

  1. Words must be formulated in the present tense and sound like a happening fact.
  2. In no case in affirmations there should not be a particle "not", for example, "I'm not poor".
  3. Finding out how to attract money, it is worth noting that you can get the result only with a strong belief in the words spoken.
  4. It is necessary to say affirmations many times in any place and at any time. You can use ready-made phrases or create them yourself.

An example of effective and simple affirmations:

Runes to attract money

There are many runic symbols and among them you can find those that will help to attract financial well-being. They can be painted on the body, for example, with essential oil of patchouli . You can also draw a toothpick fleece on the surface of the water in a glass, and then drink it. The strongest are such runes:

  1. Fehu . This is the main rune, which is responsible for wealth and self-sufficiency. The attraction of money and luck provides the most powerful and effective formula, which includes three Fehu.
  2. Hyera . Will help to receive a decent salary for the work done. With its help, a person can find a sphere for the successful realization of his capabilities.
  3. Dagaz . A suitable rune for businessmen, as it opens up new prospects in business.

Amulets for attracting money and good luck

There are many different talismans that can be used to attract material prosperity:

  1. The simplest amulet is an indissoluble note, which you must carry with you in your wallet. It is better to choose large money, which should be taken from wages or profits as a result of the transaction. It is important that no one sees this bill.
  2. Popular is the Chinese amulet to attract money, which is three gold coins with holes in the middle, connected by a red ribbon. They can be carried with them or placed in the money sector at home.
  3. To attract money and luck, you can use some rare coin as an amulet. It is necessary to hold it in your hands, presenting how the cash flow is attracted, and then constantly keep it to yourself.

Prayer for attracting money

Believers believe that only the Higher Forces can help in attracting the financial flow. The best assistant among the saints is Nicholas the Wonderworker, who answers all sincere petitions. The attraction of money to the house is spent thanks to daily prayers, which should be pronounced before the image of the holy house or in the temple. Repeat the text three times, crossed after each. When the desired becomes a reality, turn to the saint with words of gratitude.

Wise to attract money

Influence on one's own energy and attract financial prosperity can be done with the help of the ritual arrangement of fingers. If you are interested in how to attract money to the family, then you can use the presented mudra. It will come in handy when you need to get money urgently, but you can not often practice it.

  1. Place your palms at the level of the solar plexus parallel to the ground, as shown in the figure.
  2. Imagine how the energy sphere forms in the chest region. Think about the missing amount.
  3. Practice several times a day: after awakening, and then, every 4 hours and always before bedtime. Do not perform the mudra for more than one day. Repeat if necessary, you can only a week.

Meditation on attracting money

A safe and effective method to gain financial well-being is daily meditation. There are several recommendations that should be considered in order to get the maximum result.

  1. Arrange in a convenient position, you can either sit down or lie down. It is important to relax and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  2. A popular meditation for attracting money and luck is called "money rain". Being in a relaxed state, imagine a whirlwind of money that captures not only the body but also the soul.
  3. The meditation session lasts 10 minutes, but after a while the duration can be increased.

Mandala for attracting money

Drawings consisting of a huge number of parts are used for different purposes. Esotericists believe that when viewed for a long time on symmetrically repeating lines, you can fall under the influence of hypnosis and magical effects. The money mandala will help attract money to the house, improve the situation in business and at work, and will save savings. There are several rules for working with a mandala:

  1. You need to retire in a quiet environment and settle down in a comfortable position. First meditate to relax.
  2. Put the image in front of you and start painting it, moving from the edge of the picture clockwise to the center. Use money colors: gold and green.
  3. First, discomfort may occur, but after the eyes get used, hypnosis will begin to act.
  4. The first session should last about five minutes, and then increase the time gradually to several hours.
  5. During the coloring of the mandala, it is recommended to repeat the money mantra.

Attracting money - the square of Ford

To make a powerful monetary talisman for yourself, you just need to record nine figures in the right order. The square of Ford is based on the square of Pythagoras, which the well-known businessman wrote down on a bill, thereby obtaining a money magnet. In the instructions how to attract money, the scheme of compiling this mascot is presented:

  1. Draw a square in which to write three numbers in three rows. In the first row, put: day, month and year of birth. Note that the numbers should be simple, so if a person was born on the 28th, then you need to add 2 + 8 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1. Month write down its number in a year, that is November - 11, and this is 1 + 1 = 2. For the year number, add all the composite numbers, that is 1989 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9. As a result, the first row should be written 1, 2 and 9.
  2. In the next row, write down the digits of the name, patronymic and surname. Focus on the presented table to add a digital value and get a simple number in the end.
  3. To fill the last row, you need to turn to astrology. Number number 7 - number of the sign of the zodiac, so Aries - 1, and Pisces - 12. Here it is not necessary to make abbreviations to a prime number. The number 8 is the number of the Eastern calendar symbol, for which use the presented table. The last digit number 9 is the code of your desire, so for the word "money" - 25 = 2 + 5 = 7.
  4. The finished square can be written on a sheet of paper and inserted into a frame or applied to a bill and carried with you in your wallet.

Stones for attracting money and prosperity

It is believed that the stones contain a special energy that can be used to change their lives. To attract money to your life, you can wear suitable jewelry, have an amulet for the desktop, a money tree made of stones or simply carry a small stone in your pocket or bag. Finding out how to attract money to the wallet, we will consider the most powerful stones:

  1. Chrysoprase . The mineral not only attracts financial well-being, but also makes its owner more collected and focused.
  2. Citrine . This stone is ideal for people engaged in trade. In order for income to be stable, wear a ring with citrine on the index finger of your right hand.
  3. Bull's eye . People who are interested in how you can raise money should advise you to buy a ring with this stone and wear it on your left hand. It will direct its strength to the formation of progressive business processes.