Content by gourami

Gurami - one of the most famous aquarium fish, they are unpretentious in maintenance and care, have a good character and are almost omnivorous. For a combination of all these factors, giraffes are fond of many aquarists.

There is a pearl, marble, blue, honey and spotted gourami. In fact, the species are even larger, they vary in color and size. However, all representatives of fish gouramie get along well together under the same conditions and stand out only in color.

Gurami in the aquarium

Fish gourami came to us from the reservoirs of Southeast Asia, where it lived both in standing and mobile waters. The main requirement for gurus is the availability of space for fun movement around the aquarium and a sufficient number of plants, among which you can create a secluded nest for yourself.

As for the neighbors, it is possible to choose haracin fish, for example, neon, as well as scalars, soms. Exclude predatory and viviparous fish, they do not fit in buddy gourami. Too small fish, including fry, can be perceived by gurus as food.

Aquarium for gurami advised to choose from 70 liters, so that it could comfortably live several fish. Primer for the aquarium is better to choose a dark color, will suit river pebbles and pebbles.

Plants for gourami are necessary: ​​it can be both algae and floating plants. However, do not get carried away by swamping the aquarium, rather leave space for swimming.

Add to the aquarium and snags. In addition to the aesthetic function, they produce special humic substances that bring water closer to the state of the natural environment and have a beneficial effect on the health of the fish.

How to maintain gurami?

The optimum water temperature for gourami is + 24-270С. Water in the aquarium is better to change every week to about ⅓ part. The temperature for gourami is very important, but when changing water, they are able to withstand a short-term rise and fall in temperature.

Gurami conditions allow the aquarium without filtration and water aeration, but it is better if these systems work. Lighting for fish is a very important factor. Well, if in the morning it will be natural sunlight, but you can replace it with bright artificial lighting. Fish do not need round the clock light, arrange for them a night, turning off the lamp.

Fish gourami has many species, for example, marble and pearl mares, the content of which does not differ from the general conditions. But in order to keep fishing gurus in the aquarium, you should buy the youngest individuals. With proper care, they can grow up to 35 cm in the aquarium.

Gurami in the aquarium can live 5-7 years if you observe the conditions necessary for their life: temperature and light, water substitution, the presence of plants, regular and varied feeding.

What to feed the gourami?

Gourmet food can be used of any kind:

Fish are unpretentious in their food and will gladly be satisfied with what you offer them, be it even cottage cheese, processed cheese or scraped meat. A small mouth is a feature of the gurami structure, feeding is therefore possible only in small pieces. Otherwise, the gurus will not be able to capture and digest the particles of food.

Do not overfeed the fish, it's best to make a menu for gourami varied. In the morning you can feed the animals with dry food, and in the evening offer live.

If you are going on vacation for a week or two, then the question of how to care for gurus, you may not care. Adult fish can survive 1-2 weeks without food and not lose weight at all.