Contests for preschool children

To organize the leisure time of one child is sometimes not easy, but to take the whole company of children - and at all the task with an asterisk. To untrained parents, the prospect of spending an hour or two with friends of their children seems to be a dubious pleasure. That is why in kindergartens and other educational institutions, educators and teachers often hold children's contests and quizzes for preschoolers.

Contests for preschool children are very diverse: intellectual, creative, and sportive. Thus, adults direct inexhaustible children's energy in the right direction. But, in addition, such activities are of a learning character and allow the kids to present knowledge in a playful form.

Games and competitions for preschool children stimulate children to intellectual activity, independent search for solutions, to display perseverance, resourcefulness, develop imagination and creative activity.

During the warm season in kindergartens, a lot of sports, no less fun and interesting contests for preschoolers, which make a summer walk into an exciting and exciting event for the karapuzov.

When carrying out any children's holiday, whether it 's a birthday or a New Year without contests can not do, especially if the celebration is held at home.

Funny contests for preschoolers

Here are some examples of games and contests for preschoolers, which surely will give children a lot of positive emotions, and their parents the opportunity to cherish their nervous system.


The children are divided into two teams, before each team put two or three empty tanks and one full. In the full mixed large pasta of different types and preferably different colors. The task of the team as quickly as possible to expand on the boxes the same pasta. Who is faster to cope with the task, the winner.


An excellent and safe version of your favorite children's game in snowballs. Again, two teams, each sheet of paper of a certain color. At the first stage, the participants of one team try to crumple as many snowballs from the sheets as possible and throw them into rivals. On the second, the task of the players as quickly as possible to collect snowballs of their color in a bag. The winner is determined in two sets.

"Draw an animal"

This is a simplified version of the well-known game Crocodile. As a host, there can be someone from adults. Children sit on the couch or chairs, and one child is called to the presenter. He also offers the child to depict an animal, such as a cat or a dog. The kid, having received the task, tries to explain to his peers about whom he is talking with gestures and characteristic sounds.