Contractions before childbirth - when to go to the hospital?

The most frequent question asked by pregnant women in late terms to the doctor is: "When is it time to go to the hospital if the fights have already begun?". Let's try to understand and answer it.

When do you need to go to the hospital during the bouts?

As you know, at the beginning of the birth process the fights are weak, lasting several seconds, and the interval between them is 10-12 minutes. In some cases, fights immediately begin every 5-6 minutes, but not very strong. Gradually fights become more frequent, strong, long and painful. At the same time, the pregnant woman first feels them as a feeling of pressure in the abdominal cavity, but they usually do not bring much discomfort: the uterus seems heavy, pressure can be felt throughout the abdomen.

The most informative is not the intensity of labor before delivery, but their frequency, which tells about when to go to the hospital. So, during labor clashes gradually the intervals between them are reduced until they are repeated every 3-4 minutes. It is noteworthy that in the period between contractions, when the stomach is relaxed, no pain is observed. Usually, in primiparous contractions last 10-12 hours, in re- breeding 6-8 hours.

When the contractions become regular, and the interval is less than 10 minutes, go to the hospital as soon as possible.

What are the nuances to consider before going to the hospital?

Quite often, especially primiparous women, accept training fights for generic. They can begin already from the 20th week of pregnancy and are felt by a woman, like slight discomfort in the lower abdomen, which can intensify and turn into a drawing pain. In this case, the pregnant woman, who is waiting for the first child, starts to think that she has started contractions and she needs to go to the hospital, even when she is only 28-30 weeks pregnant.

In order to accurately determine the time when to go to the hospital, every pregnant woman should distinguish between strong false fights from generic. It is not difficult to do this, knowing the following signs of birth pain:

Thus, we can say that you can go to the hospital when the frequency of bouts is such that the interval between them will be reduced to 7-8 minutes. If we talk about the second birth, the fights with them last less, and you can go to the hospital when the gap between them is 10 minutes. Also, it is necessary to go to a medical institution even if the pregnant woman has already given up water.