A suture after a caesary sore

The operation of caesarean section becomes a very frequent method of the child's appearance in the world. There are many reasons for this, as well as subsequent complications. Very often a woman marks the fact that the suture is hurting after cesarean. This frightens and complicates the process of subsequent recovery after childbirth and childcare.

Why does the suture hurt after cesarean?

The onset of painful sensations in the region of the incision is noted in such cases:

How much does the suture hurt after cesarean?

The first two days after the operation will have to endure a rather sharp and not abating pain, relieve pain relief medications. You have to move a lot to restore the intestine. Seam after cesarean blood in the case of insufficient blood clotting, which requires surgical intervention of doctors. After caesarean section, the suture hurts for another couple of weeks, then unpleasant sensations are replaced by itching at the places of dissection of the skin and completely subsided after a period of six months.

Than to smear a seam after cesarean?

There is a need for regular and thorough inspection of the incision. This is done by an observant surgeon, he also prescribes drugs that can alleviate pain and prevent inflammation. Suture treatment after cesarean is a daily procedure performed by medical staff. As a disinfectant and drying agent, a solution of potassium permanganate, zebrafish or iodine is used. Do not use a large number of ointments and gels. You need to let the suture dry.

If there is a divergence of the suture after cesarean, an urgent hospitalization of the woman is necessary. Neglect or delaying a visit to a polyclinic is fraught with serious complications, and sometimes a fatal outcome. Still quite often the seam after Caesarean fester, redness and swelling are noted, the temperature rises and pain intensifies. Requires the use of antibiotics and antibacterial ointments.

The consequences of the operation can be manifested even after a few years from the day it was held. So, for example, seals on the seam after cesarean, in other words ligature fistulas, can appear in a couple of years and require repeated surgical intervention. This is due to the rejection of the suture material by the body. The fistula arising in this case on the seam after cesarean constantly suppurates and withers, and also does not undergo independent treatment.