The chest hurts after monthly

Gynecologists say that in the normal period during ovulation, tenderness and swelling of the mammary glands can be observed. In some cases, the breast begins to thicken and increase in volume, immediately with the onset of monthly discharges. However, in the period between monthly this should not happen. But how then to explain the situation, when a woman after a month's chest hurts? Let's try to figure it out.

Pregnancy, as a common cause of chest pain after past monthly

If the chest continues to ache after menstruation, it remains heavier and there is an increase in the density of adipose tissue - this indicates an increased level of estrogen in the blood. An example of such a situation may be the onset of pregnancy.

In some cases, the fact that a woman swells and hurts after a breast can be one of the first signs of the conception that has occurred. At the same time, the woman herself does not pay attention to this at times, linking this phenomenon to recent, critical days.

As a rule, after the process of fertilization in the body of a woman there is a change in the hormonal background. So, the synthesis of estrogen, progesterone is intensified. This, in turn, leads to the fact that after the monthly breast does not stop to hurt, and slightly increases in volume. Only after about 10-14 days, when the concentration of progesterone in the blood of the pregnant woman increases significantly, the pain disappears, because this hormone contributes to the outflow of excess fluid, resulting in the breast ceases to increase in volume, and soreness disappears.

In addition, with the onset of pregnancy, a hormone such as chorionic somatotropin (placental hormone) begins to be synthesized. It also promotes increased growth of the breast.

Why immediately after a month's chest hurts?

The second most common cause of the appearance of tenderness in the chest after menstruation, is mastopathy. This disease is characterized by densification of the glandular tissue in the mammary gland, and develops against the background of hormonal imbalance in the girl's body. The disease is so insidious, that tenderness in the chest can appear almost at any time (at the beginning of the cycle, in the middle, during the menstrual periods and after them).

Among women of childbearing age, this disease occurs quite often - about 60% of women under 45 feel it manifest themselves. To diagnose it after examination, the gynecologist is prescribed a blood test for hormones and ultrasound, the results of which are taken as the basis for the presentation of the final diagnosis and the appointment of treatment.

Hormonal failure, as a common cause of chest pain

Quite often, the reason that a girl has a lower abdomen and chest after menstruation is a hormonal failure. Normally, in the absence of such a violation, with the termination of the monthly swelling of the breast disappears along with a moderate soreness. However, if there is a violation of the hormonal background, similar phenomena can be observed even after the end of menstruation.

If we talk about the cause of the development of violations in women, then most often this:

Because of what else can the chest hurt after a week after menstruation?

Having considered the main reasons for the development of this phenomenon, it must also be said that chest pain can be a consequence:

Thus, it can not be unequivocally said that if a girl after a month has a stomach ache and breast enlargement, then this is necessarily pregnancy. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist.