Kleoma - planting and care in the open ground

Clay prickly - a beautiful flowering decorative annual. Its appearance is very unusual - it's bright inflorescences, connected in one volumetric sphere. The cleoma is characterized by sharp spines that slightly complicate the care for it, and the original fragrance that will attract bees to your garden. At the same time the flower is very decorative and can become a real diamond in your flower bed. Find out the features of care for the cleom in the open ground and its planting.

Planting Cleoma

First of all, you need to pick a variety. Depending on the color scheme, which you do not have on the flower bed, you can stay on one or several grades:

Planting material is allowed to be sown immediately into the open ground. This can be done at the end of autumn or even in winter, and then with the coming of spring, the shoots of the Cleoma will already appear on the surface of the earth. In domestic or greenhouse conditions, a seedling method is also used, planting seeds in cups or containers in early March.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of "Epin", and then deepened by 1 cm into the soil, consisting of a mixture of sand, humus and garden soil. Next, you should regularly and evenly moisten the soil, waiting for emergence. Dive the Cleoma seedlings carefully, as this flower does not tolerate transplantation. When the seedling takes root, and the night frosts recede, the clover can be transplanted into the open ground.

Cleom - care features

Cleom's care for flowers, like planting, is simple. It is recommended to carry out fertilizing every 2 weeks, using mineral fertilizers or "Fertika" solution (2 tablespoons per bucket of water). Water the plant sparingly and abundantly, but do not allow waterlogging.

The time of flowering of the Cleoma is from June to September. Due to the fact that this flower grows to a height of 1.5 m, it is often placed on the background of a flower bed or mixborder .