Cough inhalation with nebulizer

The defeat of the respiratory tract by various infections is accompanied by the accumulation of sputum and mucus in the lungs and bronchi. As an effective method of treatment, inhalations are used when coughing with a nebulizer , because this method allows to restore normal functions of organs naturally and helps them to self-purify during expectoration.

Cough inhalation with nebulizer - recipes

For the treatment of mild forms of pathology of the respiratory tract, the means that help moisturize mucous tissues and do not allow their irritation due to drying out are used. This can be ordinary mineral water (without gas) or saline.

More severe types of diseases with purulent inflammatory processes suggest the appointment of such medications:

The above and similar medicines, as well as generics, should be applied at the doctor's recommendation strictly in accordance with his instructions.

Inhalation with wet and wet cough nebulizer

The expectoration process is a natural mechanism that helps the lungs and bronchi to self-clean from accumulating mucus and sputum. Sometimes this causes difficulties due to their density and viscosity.

In such cases it is desirable to do procedures with ordinary mineral waters and saline solution. To enhance the effect, you can add 2-3 drops of any essential oil with antiseptic properties (eucalyptus, juniper, pine, cedar) to 5 ml of the main component.

Inhalations through a nebulizer when coughing dilute mucus and allow the body to more easily and quickly withdraw it during expectorants. In addition, therapy sessions restore local immunity and strengthen protective forces.

Some important rules:

  1. Carry out the procedure no earlier than 1 hour after eating.
  2. Deeply inhale steam with your mouth, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and exhale through your mouth.
  3. The total duration of inhalation should be about 10 minutes.

Dry cough - inhalation nebulizer

This symptom is more difficult than a moist cough that can be treated due to the constant drying of the mucous membranes of the throat, bronchi, and the oral cavity. Spasms, as a rule, cause severe irritation, and sometimes a feeling of lack of air, oxygen starvation.

Inhalation with a nebulizer with saline solution when barking cough should be combined with the addition of effective medications. In addition to the already mentioned funds, doctors recommend such names:

Among them there are potent antibiotics, the use of which must be coordinated with the therapist, since the drugs of this group have a lot of side effects.

Alcohol tinctures and antimicrobial, antiseptic agents are diluted in physiological solution in proportions of 1: 2.

Furatsilinovuyu mixture for the device can be purchased already in ready form in any pharmacy, and also make it yourself (1 tablet of the drug per 100 ml of base fluid).

Experience has shown that inhalations for coughing with a nebulizer are more effective if used in addition to direct medicines appointments, immunomodulators and decongestants (vasoconstrictor) drugs. For example:

The full course of complex cough therapy, including nebulizer procedures, is no longer than 10 days. At the onset of intense expectoration and visible improvements, sessions can be stopped.