Heat allergy

As statistics show, for today, every fifth inhabitant of the world suffers from one or another type of allergy . Exposure of the human body to allergens has significantly increased in the last two decades, which may be the result of a sharp deterioration in the ecological situation, uncontrolled use of drugs, an abundance of chemicals in everyday life, etc. In this case, cases of quite unusual varieties of allergic reactions are increasingly being established. So, there is the concept of "heat allergy", from the very formulation of which it becomes clear that it is a question of a specific reaction of the organism to the effect of elevated temperatures of the environment. Whether there is an allergy on a heat actually, what are signs of this phenomenon and what to undertake for its or his elimination, we will consider further.

Can there be an allergy to heat, and what is the reason for this?

In fact, not all experts agree that an inadequate response to heat is indeed allergic, because the exact causes of heat allergy are not yet uncovered. However, according to a number of studies, specific mechanisms that arise after exposure to high temperatures can cause self-regulation mechanisms in the body for which certain parts of the brain are responsible: against the background of heat, the temperature of the blood increases, which contributes to the release of a certain neurotransmitter substance, acetylcholine, which, in turn, provokes the synthesis of histamine.

Increased production of acetylcholine can occur not only due to an increase in air temperature in the street or indoors, but also in some other cases:

By the way, to such effects, causing the release of acetylcholine, from time to time all people are exposed, but not all as a result of this are allergic manifestations. This can be explained by the fact that specific reactions occur in people who are predisposed to allergies (as a rule, people with an allergy to the heat react to other allergens). It is also established that the allergy to heat is more likely to occur in those who suffer from vegetovascular dystonia, diseases of the digestive system, impaired activity of the thyroid gland. In a number of possible causes of heat allergy with manifestations on the skin, some doctors also refer to the increased sensitivity of the skin.

Symptoms of heat allergy

Manifestations of heat allergy may occur within a few minutes after the impact of the provoking factor - staying on the beach in the sun, in a stuffy room, in a bath, sauna, etc. Symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

Sometimes an allergy to heat is also manifested by a runny nose, a stuffy nose.

What to drink from an allergy to heat?

First of all, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms you need to get rid of the provoking factor, for which it is recommended to leave the heat, take a cool shower. From drugs, local products containing atropine or belladonna extract can be prescribed. Also prescribed antihistamines, but, mainly, only in those cases when there is a cross-allergic reaction. In severe cases, with extensive foci of lesions on the skin, intolerable itching, hormonal medications are used for treatment.