Paragripp symptoms

Parainfluenza is an infection of the viral etiology, accompanied by damage to the upper respiratory tract. The cause of the disease is a special virus that is similar to the influenza virus, but does not have high resistance, which allows the body to quickly develop immunity to it. Paragripp, the symptoms of which are discussed in the article, is transmitted by air, and children are most often infected by contact method when licking infected hands and objects.

Parainfluenza virus

The source of the infection is the carrier of the virus. In this case, the probability of infection is highest in the first two to three days of the course of the disease. In the following days, the risk of getting sick remains, but it is much lower.

In the process of breathing, the virus penetrates the mucous membranes, the trachea and the larynx. In the process of infection, destruction of the epithelium and its inflammation occur, resulting in reddening and swelling. Lesion of the larynx sometimes leads to the appearance of a false groin , especially in children.

Signs of parainfluenza

When the disease patients most often complain of such symptoms:

Complications of parainfluenza

Often, the disease leads to pneumonia, which often has a focal character. It can also cause exacerbation of chronic ailments. Children under the age of five have a barking night cough with suffocation.

How to treat parainfluenza?

Basically, the treatment of the disease is aimed at combating the symptoms. When a false croup is detected, foot baths, warmers, a copious hot drink (milk, tea, honey), on the chest superimposed mustard, recommend to carry out steam inhalations.

Also, with parainfluenza, such folk remedies are recommended:

Patients may be prescribed injections of antihistamines. In the event that the listed funds did not give positive results, the doctor prescribes glucocorticoids.