Rotokan - application

Herbal preparations have been used in medicine for many different diseases for many centuries. Of course, our ancestors did not have the opportunity to buy ready-made drugs in the pharmacy and most often were forced to first collect the plants in the forest or field, then dry them and then prepare curative decoctions, infusions and extracts. Fortunately, the modern pharmacological industry allows us to simply come to the pharmacy and buy the right medicine or dried plant. Such ready-made preparations include Rotokan, which is widely used in dentistry.

Rotokan - composition

Rotokan is a liquid extract of chamomile, calendula and yarrow. Two parts of chamomile have one part of calendula and yarrow , this is the proportion that provides the best effect of the drug.

Chamomile flowers, when properly used, greatly reduce inflammation and reduce pain. Also have antiseptic and haemostatic functions. All this is achieved due to the content in the colors of essential oil, flavonoids and organic acids.

Yarrow also has anti-inflammatory, astringent and blood-resurrecting actions. And it also improves blood circulation in tissues, contributing to the healing of wounds. In itself, the yarrow is considered a poisonous plant and, if consumed excessively, will cause poisoning. Therefore, its concentration in Rotokan is not large.

Calendula has distinctive wound-healing properties, which makes it possible to successfully use it in the treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa. Secondary are anti-inflammatory properties, as well as tonic and soothing.

Summing up, we can identify the main useful actions when using Rotokan:

Methods of using Rotokan

In tonsillitis, doctors often prescribe rinsing the throat with the herbs. Rotokan is also suitable for this purpose. To rinse the throat Rotokan must be diluted, otherwise the alcohol solution can provoke a burn mucous. The solution is diluted in an amount of 1 tsp. to a glass of warm water. Rinse should be frequent and carried out for at least 3-5 days.

If after the first application there are no side effects, then to improve the result, you can increase the amount of solution to 2-3 tsp. Children under 12 years of increasing the concentration of the solution is not recommended. In children's practice Rotokan is more often used for inhalations in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. For a nebulizer, usually a weaker solution is used. If any manifestations of an allergic reaction occur, the drug should be discontinued.

In the same concentration, the solution is used for oral baths or applications in the treatment of stomatitis. It quickly removes the swelling of the oral mucosa, reduces soreness and helps to remove plaque from the surface of the aphthus and their healing. Also neutralizes bad breath , often observed in this disease.

Applications with the drug are superimposed on the affected mucosa for 10-15 minutes (the longer, the better). Baths are held by holding the solution in the mouth for several minutes. Both types of procedures are conducted up to 5 times a day according to indications.

Often, Rotokan is used by parodontologists to treat periodontal diseases. After carrying out professional cleaning of teeth, as the first stage of treatment, the doctor introduces turundas impregnated with a solution into the dentogingival pockets for 15 minutes. Procedures are conducted by the course and contribute to reducing inflammation and improving trophism in the tissues of the gums.