Psi Magic

Psychology is based on the interaction of energy flows. In order to bring about some changes, it is necessary to determine the kind of energy, that is, where it originated, in what quantity, where it ends, etc. In general, several energies act on a person, for example, a stream emanating from other people or objects. Such an impact is not always positive, which leads to the depletion of the energy field. Psi magic helps a person to know the nature of his energy, correct it and direct it in the right direction.

Divination Psi of Magic

This magical direction allows a person to learn much about his past and present, and about the future. As in any fortune-telling, great importance is the belief in obtaining a truthful result. In addition, it is important to cleanse yourself of any negative energy: thoughts, aggression, etc.

Guessing "I-ching"

Psi Magic allows you to uncover the secret of birth, points to the important facts of the present and predicts the future. In the Book of Changes there are 64 hexagrams, which have their own aphorisms, that is, predictions and recommendations that help orient oneself in the current situation. Before proceeding, it is important to clearly formulate the question, which at this time worries the most. For divination, you need to take three identical coins, which are thrown on the table six times in a row. After each throw, you need to record the result. If two or three coins fell out with an eagle, then it's worth drawing a solid line, and if it's a sieve, then it's intermittent. The hexagram must be made from the bottom up. After that, given the top three and three lower strips, find the answer to the divination. You can see it here .

Fortune-telling "Pyramid of Lovers" in Psychology

This is a fairly simple layout of tarot cards. With its help you can learn a lot of useful information about existing relationships. Everyone can get an answer to the question of interest. The main thing in Psi Magic is to know the interpretation of tarot cards . Take the deck and fold the cards this way:

  1. In the center put one card - "You". Interpretation will make it possible to obtain a description of the guessing person in the existing relations.
  2. On the left, put the second card - "Partner". It allows you to understand the feelings and thoughts of a loved one. The map shows the proportion of its influence on the relationship.
  3. On the right, put the third card - "Relations". Will help to find out what feelings actually exist between lovers. You can also find out what conclusions should be drawn from the experience gained.
  4. At the top of the first card, put one more - "Future". Thanks to this map you can find out what to expect from the existing relationship in the near future.

Thanks to the information received, a person can analyze the situation and understand whether there is a future for the relationship, and what needs to be done to preserve them.

Fortune-telling "Odin's Rune" in Psychology

Thanks to this fortune-telling you can find out that occurs with a person who at the moment can be far away. You need to take a bag with runes, hold it in your hands, mix it and choose any rune. During all these manipulations, always think about the person. Using the decoding of the selected rune, you get the desired information.

Divination "Three Runes"

Using it, you can get an answer to the question of interest. To do this, you must again take a bag of runes and think about the question or desire. Then pull out three runes and put them from right to left. The first will characterize the situation, the second will tell you which direction to move and the latter will let you know what it will eventually lead to. Again, you need to know the decoding of the fallen runes, which you can see in this article .