Country style

Simplicity and naturalness - that's what characterizes the country style in clothes, which has been gaining popularity. Its distinctive feature is the use of simple fabrics decorated with an uncomplicated pattern with vegetative and geometric ornaments, as well as an original shortcut, embroidery or beads. Dresses in the rustic style, like all clothing - are spacious, not binding movements, with the envisaged emphasis on the waist. The main feature of this folklore style is naturalness, namely a simple hairstyle, lack of cosmetics and comfortable shoes on a low sole.

Country country style

Country style is one of the varieties of country style. Even in the seventies of the last century, he firmly conquered the podium with his daily clothes, characteristic of the inhabitants of the Wild West. The famous couturier has been struck for many years with simple and laconic outfits of cowboys, gold diggers, Indians and farmers.

Country country style is characterized by clothing with comfortable shapes and tranquil shades, close to nature: brown, green, or blue. The main components are plaid shirts, sweaters with fluffy sleeves, leather pants and vests, as well as wide skirts in a rustic style.

Shoes suitable for this style should be comfortable and harmoniously complement the outfit. Boots on laces, sandals on a flat sole, and also characteristic boots will add sensation of that time and will give a special color.

Rustic Wedding Dresses

Recently, it has become fashionable to hold wedding ceremonies in a rustic style. Such popularity is due to the receipt of new impressions and the opportunity to feel harmony with nature for the city residents. Wedding images of the bride and groom are usually simple and not overloaded with unnecessary details.

A wedding dress in a rustic style is usually shortened and not very luxurious. All the charm of this image in the absence of complex details, too long a train and high heels . Instead, natural beauty is welcomed, such as a wreath of wildflowers - instead of a sparkling tiara, old-fashioned shoes or comfortable flats without heels, leather or wooden ornaments and simple cuts in a retro or rustic style.

The holiday is usually held in the open air, which allows you to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature and the simple joys of life. Such a party usually leaves the most romantic and pleasant impressions for both the newlyweds and all the guests.