Which amino acids are better?

In nature, there is no inherently bad and good product. We give the color to it ourselves, depending on how sideways it consumes us. If you want to know which amino acids are best, think about what purpose you set before them.

For losing weight

To begin with, what amino acids are better to take for weight loss. The theme is eternal, but remember, amino acids (in any quantity) can not independently save you from the accumulated fat, but in combination with physical loads, lysine and methionine will be good improvised means. These two amino acids are involved in the synthesis of carnitine, which, in turn, accelerates fat metabolism and promotes the utilization of lipid degradation products.

Carnitine in the "finished form" is found in mutton (not the best option for a diet), and lysine and methionine - in chicken and hard cheese.

For muscle growth

The second category of people interested in organic compounds are athletes. Often those wishing to "puff" are interested in what amino acids are better for muscles, but given that amino acids are the precursors of protein, they will all benefit. When the body does not receive enough amino acids, it takes them from muscle tissue for the heart and brain. Accordingly, the muscles do not grow, the body simply supports vital activity. That is why, for the growth of muscles, it is necessary to fully ration.

But if we talk about a specific amino acid, then we need to mention asparagine and arginine . The first stimulates the growth of muscle mass, the second - the synthesis of growth hormone.

For youth

The aging of the body is largely due to a deterioration in the absorption of vitamins and nutrients. Amino acids can improve this function and promote the regeneration of our cells. So, what amino acids are best to choose for the preservation of youth - arginine, methionine, tyrosine. Arginine enhances the production of growth hormones, methionine accelerates the elimination of toxins and degradation products, heals wounds, and tyrosine relieves of age-related changes in the psyche, helps with depression and apathy.