Covinan for cats

The fact that his cat began to heat , the owner understands immediately. Calm and self-confident females suddenly begin to rub against their feet, murch, calling cavaliers, rolling on the carpet. Their genitals swell, urination increases and even sometimes the appetite disappears. To your lady starts to be arranged queue of cats from all district, endless concerts, howl and fights begin. Another problem - this unwanted pregnancy and the question of where to put the offspring. Some decide to castrate, others, the most patient, lock the cat in the apartment. But sterilization already forever makes the pitcher barren. If, in the future, you plan to get offspring from her, then you should consider a drug such as Covinan for cats.

Covinan - instruction

This drug is a hormonal drug that oppresses sexual hunting. In 1 ml of a white solution contains 100 mg of proliglone. It is packaged in bottles of 20 ml and is administered by injection. If properly stored in the original packaging, Covinan is considered to be suitable for 3 years. The conditions must be observed quite normal - a dry and dark place at 20-25 °.

Prick for cats Covinian made strictly subcutaneously, trying to get into the middle part of the skin fold. The injection site is treated with alcohol, and the solution is shaken well. Small animals are injected 1 ml of the drug, and if the cat is large, more than 7 kg, then the dosage should be increased to 1.5 ml.

The first time Covinan for cats is introduced during the period of rest of the ovaries. It is reused after three months. The third time this medicine should be stabbed 4 months after the third injection, and then the procedure is repeated every 5 months.

Consequences of Covinian application

Often in animals taking hormonal drugs, increases appetite, which leads to an increase in the weight of the cat. In rare cases, painful reactions are observed at the injection site, apathy, mammary hypertrophy, pyometritis occur. It is undesirable to use simultaneously with Covinan analogues of progesterone. It is forbidden to inject this hormone drug during lactation and to pregnant females , suffering from diabetes , recently received progestrogens or estrogens, if the cat has vague incomprehensible vaginal discharge.

Covinan and other similar analogues (Depo-promon, MedroPret, Perlutex and others) help the owners of bitches to eliminate the problem with estrus for six months or more, there are animals that for years receive injections of this medication and feel normal. But they should be used with caution. It is recommended to check whether your pet has hidden inflammatory processes in the uterus. If everything is normal, then Covinan for cats can be used confidently. At night, you will not be disturbed by a concert of neighbor cats, and your ward will become more calm and complaisant, avoiding periodic heat.