Diabetes in cats - symptoms

All people know that diabetes is a serious disease, and you should not joke with it. Animals also suffer sometimes from this dangerous disease. It is very important to recognize this disease at the initial stage. Therefore, owners of pets should know what is diabetes in cats, and what are the main signs. The measures taken in time will help prolong the life of your pet, as well as avoid various complications.

Symptoms of diabetes in cats

Like most people, the signs of this disease are similar in many respects. Increased thirst agonizes your cat, which leads to frequent urination. Sometimes pets can not wait for another walk and write to you on the carpet, although they behaved pretty well before. Appetite at the same time increases, but the animal does not grow stout, but, on the contrary, reduces its weight. Later, if the disease begins to progress, the cat begins to refuse to eat. She suffers from general weakness, vomiting , and severe dehydration of the body occurs.

Diabetes mellitus in cats

Some people believe that the culprit of the disease is sweet food. But this is a wrong opinion. Most often, a number of reasons can lead to the onset of diabetes. This may be a hormonal disorder, various, previous infections, an improper diet, stressful situations, a sedentary lifestyle, pathological changes in internal organs, and so on. Many specialists are inclined to the fact that heredity plays a big role.

There are several types of diabetes: insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent (type 2). It happens that both of these types exist in the body in parallel. The first type occurs when pancreatic insufficiency is insufficient, and the second type is when living tissues do not sufficiently perceive the action of this hormone, become resistant to it.

There is such a thing as diabetes insipidus in cats or other animals, it is also important to know its symptoms. With this disease, electrolyte metabolism is disturbed, urine has a low density and is almost transparent. The animal lowers body temperature , the cat quickly becomes tired, often arrhythmia occurs. All this leads to complete exhaustion of the body. If the cat has diabetes insipidus, then glucose will be normal, the treatment in this case is somewhat different than with ordinary diabetes. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist, so as not to harm your pet accidentally.