Shorthair dog breeds

Of course, each owner chooses a dog for himself based on various considerations. If you do not have the time or special desire to deal with the hairdo of your four-legged friend for a long time, it is much more preferable to buy a short-haired dog. In this article you will get to know several well-known types of dogs of this category and learn a little more about the features of their appearance and character.

The 10 most famous short-haired breeds of dogs

One of the most attractive representatives is a dwarf pinscher . Active, loyal and cute doggie possesses high intelligence and quickly learns commands. Such a small short-haired dog breed is suitable for an apartment or a private house.

Assertive and willful bull terrier is also included in our 10-ku. The strong and muscular body of this "fighter" is very well seen under the thin cover, smooth and shiny coat.

Chihuahua - just a standard of a small breed of short-haired dogs for an apartment. It attracts with its miniature dimensions and unique appearance. The children are unpretentious in their maintenance and do not require careful care of the fur.

Equally popular among representatives of small breeds of short-haired dogs is the Fox Terrier . This active and faithful dog has a smooth and dense wool of one tone, sometimes with colored marks of black or red color.

A vivid example of an average short-haired breed of dogs is a German boxer . A responsible and balanced dog has well-developed muscles and a stiff, short, shiny coat.

Istrian short-haired hound is a breed of dogs, which will be to the liking of all hunters. She perfectly takes a trace, thus does not create superfluous noise, possessing the cat's grace and flexibility.

The English Bulldog conquered millions of fans with its powerful and stocky physique, indicating its vigor and determination. This short-haired breed requires proper care, is very attached to the owner, affectionate, trustful and intelligent.

If you live in a country house, then you definitely will like Alano . This dog with innate leadership qualities can become an excellent guard, defender and excellent partner. The wool of Alano is coarse and dense, has a solid color, sometimes with white or dark spots.

Quite impressive size and kind heart has a German bulldog . This large short-haired breed has a guard and guarding qualities. Pets perfectly get along with children, pets, while not creating a hassle with cleaning the house of wool.

The magnificent Neapolitan mastiff is one of the largest short-haired breeds of dogs. Gray, blue, brindle, black color, along with impressive sizes lead people into raptures. This is a dog for whom an emotional connection with the owner is very important, he can listen to you for hours, and you will be sure that he understands everything.