Crafts from seeds and cereals

If the parents have a little time, then it's fun and useful with the child can be for making diy from the seeds themselves. There are always a few cereals in the house, and it's not so difficult to think up entertainment for crumbs.

Crafts from pumpkin seeds: herringbone

Try to make a very simple Christmas tree of pumpkin seeds. To work will need a lid from a plastic bucket, plasticine and rod from the handle.

  1. Children's crafts made of seeds are very suitable for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. First, we will prepare the "soil". On the lid carefully put a layer of plasticine, spreading it over the surface.
  2. Next, we begin to produce a trunk for a Christmas tree. From a small ball make a foundation.
  3. Now insert the rod from the handle. It can be any other support.
  4. With the help of plasticine we make a barrel: layer by layer, we put plasticine on the rod, until it is sufficiently stably fixed.
  5. To make souvenirs from seeds look more natural, you need to modify the barrel. Roll out sausages from plasticine and glue them to the base.
  6. This is how our procurement looks at this stage.
  7. We fix the needles from below.
  8. The next row is staggered.
  9. We move to the very top. Do not forget that the branches of our tree should be slightly lowered downwards.
  10. Our Christmas tree is ready.

Crafts from pumpkin seeds: plateau

  1. We put on drawing on a disposable paper plate. It should be as simple as possible and with large details.
  2. To make such crafts from seeds with your own hands, you need to prepare the seeds of melon or cucumber, apple and quince, and also mango. Manka pre-grind with gouache.
  3. Apply a layer of glue on the tail of our crafts and attach the seeds of cucumber.
  4. Draw on the wings of apple seeds.
  5. Further we move to the neck and head.
  6. The paws and beak are made from apple and cucumber seeds, pre-painted with red paint.
  7. Next, lavishly glue the glue and make a background. First weed, then horizon.
  8. Here such amusing crafts from seeds and croup in the form of geese are obtained.

Handmade hedgehog from sunflower seeds

Crafts from sunflower seeds can be safely practiced with children from three years old. To work, you need a sheet of cardboard, an image of a hedgehog, glue and sunflower seeds.

  1. On a sheet of cardboard we draw an image of a hedgehog. If the crumb can not do it on his own, just print out the drawing.
  2. We put a thick layer of glue on the back of the hedgehog. Next, we attach the seeds. Make sure that the pointed tips are pointed in one direction.
  3. In the end, you can decorate children's crafts from seeds with fruits and mushrooms from plasticine.

Such crafts made of seeds and cereals do not require much time and perfectly develop the coordination and motor skills of the child.