Crayfish - medicinal properties

An ordinary cider, or medicinal, refers to those universal herbs whose properties are used to treat a wide variety of ailments. For medical purposes, it has been used since the time of Avicenna, and to this day the casket does not lose its popularity.

The crayfish is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of about 50-100 cm. The stem is erect, hairy, the leaves are serrated at the edges, pubescent, grayish below. The flowering time of this plant is June-July, the flowers are small, five-leaved, collected in a long brush, have a golden yellow color. Fruits have the form of prickly nuts, clinging to the touch of animal hair, people's clothing. The cask has a pleasant spicy aroma.

Procurement of Rope

In order for the treatment to have the highest efficiency, the plant must be properly harvested and stored. In the official medicine, the ground part of the scallop (grass) is used mainly, and in folk medicine, roots and flowers are also used.

The grass should be harvested before the fruit ripens (before and during the flowering period), that is, in June - July. The lobed stems are cut at a height of 7 - 10 cm from the ground. The roots are excavated in the autumn along with the rhizomes. It should be borne in mind that the collection of raw materials should be made away from industrial areas and the roadway.

Drying the herb of the plant is carried out outdoors in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of no higher than 40 ºС. The underground part of the cake is washed in cold water and then dried outdoors under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature of up to 60 ° C. It is recommended to store the dried raw material in wooden containers for no more than two years.

Chemical composition of repetish

The medicinal properties of herbs are determined by a rich chemical composition, which includes such substances as:

Therapeutic properties of the ordinary scallop

The cask has the following healing properties:

Crayfish - indications for use

Numerous useful properties of this plant allow it to be used to treat such pathologies:

Also the crayfish is effective for various skin lesions, tumors, cracks, boils, burns, abrasions, bruises.

Contraindications to the use of ordinary scallop

In addition to useful properties, crap also has some contraindications, which can not be forgotten. These include:

The possibility of using a regepka for treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding should always be agreed with the attending physician.