How to cleanse the body and lose weight?

Surely, many are wondering - how to cleanse the body and lose weight? At the age of thirty, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a slender figure. Doing sports help, but after a while everything returns to its place. This is a clear sign of the need to cleanse the body.

How to properly cleanse the body so as not to harm? Cleaning the body is a very important task, which must be carefully prepared. In this process, it is important to know that, as in any case, the golden mean is always good. Abuse of cleaning is not recommended.

Products for cleaning

Using products that purify the body, you help him cope with the accumulated ecotoxins. The simplest and most useful products include: vegetables, fruits, cereals, green tea, compote from dried fruits, as well as fermented milk products. This food normalizes the microflora of the intestine, prevents the formation of constipation and promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

A separate place is occupied by bran. Dietary fiber is the value that is in this product. Fiber is a special, rough and hard carbohydrate, which does not break down and due to this, it is an indispensable product in the body's cleansing. It is included in most diets that purify the body due to the presence of absorption properties.

Products that contain a high fiber content, contribute to the slow absorption of food and give a feeling of saturation for a longer time. The reception of bran with dysbacteriosis, violation of the liver, gall bladder, chronic diseases of the stomach will allow to normalize the activity of these organs.

Cleaning of the intestine

Cleaning the large intestine is an important factor in purifying the body as a whole. How to cleanse the body before a diet? The most accessible and effective cleansing of the intestine is an enema. For these procedures, an aqueous solution with a saline or soda solution is taken, depending on the indications. Water for enemas should be at room temperature, and if you often have spastic constipation, then it's better to take water + 37-42 degrees.

Cleaning the liver

Cleaning the liver can be done with the help of medicinal herbs. Cleansing herbs for the body have a number of positive properties. In pharmacies, there are many types of fees for cleaning the body: elder syrup, swamp saber, sunflower root, mistletoe white and Japanese soap, flax seed - carefully reading the instructions and composition, you can find the most suitable natural cleanser for yourself.