Pumpkin honey

Pumpkin is the source of many mineral compounds, vitamins, as well as elements so necessary for our body. In addition to a sufficient number of B and C vitamins, it contains a rare vitamin T that helps burn excess fats , improves metabolism and metabolism , and helps fight toxins.

How to use a pumpkin in order to fully preserve its useful properties? After all, everyone knows that thermal treatment has a harmful effect on most of them. You can certainly drink freshly squeezed juice from pumpkin pulp, but there is not always time and the opportunity to cook it. There is another wonderful and reliable way to preserve and multiply all the delights of this fruit. Having made pumpkin honey, you can at any moment get the coveted jar from the refrigerator and satisfy the body, thirsting for yourself to replenish an impressive share of usefulness and get true pleasure with the wonderful taste of this product.

Below we will tell you in detail how to prepare this cherished treat, and also we will dwell on the details and subtleties of its application and useful properties.

How to make pumpkin honey - a recipe for cooking?

Pumpkin honey can be made from any ripe pumpkin. To do this, we clean its surface from contamination, rinse it with water and wipe it dry. Then cut the apex with the peduncle in such a way as to gain access to the inner contents and at the same time make a kind of "cover" for the pumpkin. We extract the pulp with seeds in any convenient way, using a spoon with a long handle, noisy or just a hand.

Now fill the emptiness of the pumpkin with sugar. And it is possible to use, as usual sugar, and brown. In the latter case, honey will acquire additional taste qualities.

Place the pumpkin in an enamel bowl or basin, cover with a carved pumpkin "cap" and set it in a cool place for about ten days. During this time, sweet crystals should completely dissolve in the allocated juice, and the flesh of the fruit will be impregnated with sugar and become soft. Formed in the cavity of the pumpkin liquid and there is a long-awaited pumpkin honey. We pour it into a sterile jar, close it with a lid and determine it in the refrigerator for storage.

Why is pumpkin honey useful?

Pumpkin honey is not only a storehouse of many vitamins and elements. It is also an excellent tool to help fight many ailments. With regular use, it displays excess cholesterol, helps with atherosclerosis, and also helps to get rid of edema accompanying heart failure.

An impressive proportion of iron contained in pumpkin honey cures iron deficiency anemia and increases the tone of the body.

The use of pumpkin honey also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, helps to remove toxins from the body, helps to cleanse and restore liver function. At the same time this delicacy has an excellent choleretic and diuretic effect.

And this is only a small part of what can pumpkin honey.

Together with all its usefulness, pumpkin honey has a wonderful taste that will become a worthy accompaniment of curd desserts, cereals, replace sugar with tea or complement pancakes, sour cakes or fritters.

Using pumpkin honey if you have any diseases, be sure to consider its properties and consult your doctor. Perhaps you need to limit its amount in order to avoid negative consequences for the body. So, for example, in the presence of stones in the kidneys or in the gallbladder, consider its choleretic and diuretic effect.