Cream for feet swelling

Excess fluid most often accumulates in the limbs, and the first from its excess suffer from the legs. But, using a modern ointment or cream from leg swelling , cooked at home, you can save the beauty and health of the legs.

Causes of edema

Of course, in most cases, foot swelling occurs in women, because it is the fair sex who often wear high-heeled shoes that squeezes the upper part of the foot and interferes with the natural position of the toes.

Other causes of edema are:

If you notice that swelling intensifies toward evening, then, most likely, their occurrence was provoked by varicose veins.

Treatment of leg swelling

Because swelling of the legs can be a symptom of ailments, the first thing to do with regular swelling is to seek medical advice. And to remove unpleasant sensations and to facilitate the status it is possible and by means of a cream against leg edema containing heparin or routine, for example:

  1. "Essaven gel" - eliminates microthrombi, strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries, normalizes blood circulation in the legs.
  2. "Troxevasin" - relieve pain and cool, strengthening the walls of the capillaries and veins.

Creams against edema, made on the basis of horse chestnut, are also good.

Cream for feet swelling at home

You can make a cream for removing leg swelling at home. To do this, 1 part of the heated turpentine should be diluted with 2 parts of castor oil. Finished mass rub your legs, and put on socks.

Effective against puffiness ointment from 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. turpentine and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Her legs are vigorously rubbed before bed.

Everyone knows that during the carrying out of a child, limbs often swell. Suggest a future mother, what is the best cream for edema, only a doctor can. In addition, if you eliminate the cause of accumulation of excess fluid, the swelling subsides by itself within a few days.

When you just drank a lot of liquid before going to sleep, and in the morning your feet swelled, you can make a cream for edema for pregnant women yourself. It will be necessary to grind the roots of the nettle, pour them with sunflower oil, bring to a boil and rub the feet with the resulting product until completely absorbed into the skin.