How to remove stretch marks on the buttocks?

Stretching (striae) is an external manifestation of problems with skin fibers, which consist of collagen and elastin. When you are overweight in a short period of time, or, on the contrary, follow a strict diet, your skin is stretched. The upper layer of the epidermis is easily amenable to such changes, but the deepest layers can not be rebuilt so quickly. Collagen filaments under tension, do not withstand pressure and are torn. It is in this place that there are subcutaneous scars of purple, white or red. First they have a bright scarlet or pink tinge, which eventually acquires a lighter shade.

The most common cause of the appearance of striae are hormonal changes. With the first serious hormonal changes we encounter in adolescence. During this period in the growing body there is an increase in the hormones of the adrenal glands and sex hormones. The second period is pregnancy. At this time there is a violation of the usual cycle of hormonal oscillations of progesterone and estrogens, and also an increase in the abdomen, mammary glands, and thighs is of great importance. In this article, we'll figure out how to remove stretch marks on the buttocks.

Remove stretch marks

For those who are wondering how to remove old stretches, it becomes a shock to know that their complete disappearance is guaranteed only by plastic. After all, not everyone can afford such a luxury! Do not worry. You can make stretch marks less noticeable even at home. One of these methods is massage with salt and sugar. To do this, you will need to prepare a mixture of equal amounts of salt and sugar. In the resulting mixture, add the vegetable oil to make a gruel. With this mixture, rub the buttocks before taking a shower. The bath with sea salt also has a beneficial effect on skin conditions, masking existing stretch marks.

How to remove postpartum stretch marks, not every woman knows, but to hide their appearance will help simple oil rubbing. Mix wheat germ oil, olive and almond oil in equal proportions and drop 2 drops of any citrus essential oil there. Regularly rub the prepared mixture into the stretch marks and in a few weeks you will notice the result.

At home, you can clean both fresh and already white stretch marks. For this use clay and natural honey. Take liquid honey and blue clay in equal proportions. Mix and apply this mass to the problem areas of the skin, fixing with a bandage. It is recommended to perform this procedure daily until the desired result is obtained.

If you do not know how to remove fresh stretch marks, and you know the problem of cellulite, then simple exercises will come to the rescue:

  1. Get down on your knees, palm rest on the floor. Alternately, pull one leg back, lifting it as high as possible and holding it at the top point a few seconds.
  2. Lie on your back, put your hands on your hips, but in no case abut them on the floor. Slowly raise the closed straight legs and hold them for about fifteen seconds.

There are various methods that help to remove stretch marks from the buttocks, but the mummy struggles most effectively with this problem. To permanently forget about the striae, two capsules of mummies dissolve in a small amount of usual cream, mix thoroughly and apply to the damaged areas after the bath. Apply this agent daily until you achieve the desired result.