Tea - harm and good

For many people, tea has long been an integral product of the diet. It is healthy, raises mood and quenches thirst. But recently it became known that the drink has harmful properties. In this regard, the topic of harm and benefit of tea has become very relevant for people who support their health.

Benefits of tea

The drink contains many micronutrients that are absent in other products: fluoride, manganese, calcium, copper, iron, zinc. Periodic use of natural and quality tea, uniquely, has a beneficial effect on the body. Often one can hear the statement that tea slows down the aging process. It's all about the tea leaves. They help to rejuvenate the skin. It should be noted that their effect is 18 times greater than that of the famous vitamin E. Tea tea thins many harmful bacteria, so it prevents the occurrence of stomatitis, enteritis, sore throat and other viral infections. It is tea that relieves fatigue and gives a good charge of vivacity.

Harm to tea

There are a lot of rumors about the benefits and harms of hot tea. Specialists say that excessively hot tea burns internal organs, resulting in painful changes in the throat, esophagus and stomach. The other side of the coin is cold tea, the benefits and harms of which were also heard a lot of opinions. The cold version contains oxalates, which can cause the formation of kidney stones. According to doctors, it is preferable to replace tea with ordinary water and use it from time to time in a warm form.

According to the research, fruit and tea drinks bring health as much harm as sweet carbonated water. They contain a minimum of benefit, but a maximum of sugar. On the one hand, sweet tea improves the mood and this benefits, and on the other hand harm with frequent use, since it contains a lot of sugar. It is also important to understand that in some products there are dyes and flavors that are also harmful to the body.

Tea is produced in leaf and granular form. The latter option is more intense and sturdy. But, as you know, strong tea contains a large amount of caffeine , which badly affects the work of the heart and the nervous system. In this regard, granular tea is harmful, but it is useful for moderate amounts, as it gives a fine mood.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that tea is definitely useful. But to abuse this product is also not worth it. Fans of daily use of the drink is recommended to gradually reduce its amount.