Has put an ear - what to do?

For sure, with such a problem as stuffiness of the ears, one had to face each. Since this phenomenon often passes quickly and painlessly, people do not pay attention to it. Many even know perfectly well what to do when they have laid their ear - by trial and error, the most appropriate and operative version of the problem solution was selected. In the article we will tell you about the main causes of the obstruction of the ear and how to get rid of it.

Why lays ears and what to do about it?

The reasons for laying down ears, there are quite a lot. All of them are conventionally divided into two groups: natural ones caused by sharp pressure drops, water ingress into the ear canal or sulfur accumulation, and unnatural, internal diseases provoked by diseases.

Of course, if the cause of ear congestion is in the disease, then without the intervention of a specialist, the problem will not be solved. Moreover, self-medication can only exacerbate the situation. If the ear has laid down for a natural reason, something can be done independently. The main thing is to determine the cause correctly.

Most often, the ears are pawned by a pressure drop. And you can feel it, not only sinking to the bottom of the ocean or climbing the highest mountain peak. Very often ears pawn in high-speed elevators, during the heat, and some simply enough to walk a few stairs on foot. What should I do if my ear drastically? It is enough to swallow saliva several times in a row. In principle, you can not take any action. The stagnation goes by itself within a couple of minutes.

Another common phenomenon - the ear lays water, what to do in this case, probably, probably even children. To solve the problem, it will be enough to use only a cotton swab to clean the ears. If the water does not penetrate too deeply, it will take several minutes to remove it. Sometimes you can get rid of water by sleeping on your ear for a night. Otherwise, you will need to seek the help of a specialist.

Serous plugs are one more reason why you need to treat the stuffed ears. Of course, it's best if a professional gets rid of the accumulation of sulfur. But if you want, you can go through the cleaning procedure at home. For the night in the ear, you should drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and cover it with cotton. This will help soften the cork. In the morning, you need to clean your ear with warm water. To do this, you need a syringe without a needle. Sharply inject water from the syringe into your ear and wait until it all goes out. After two or three approaches, the cork will come out.

What should I do if I constantly lays my ears?

If even all the above procedures do not help to cope with the stuffiness of the ears, you can try a special gymnastics (which, by the way, does not hurt anyone who worries what to do, even if the ear lays periodically). The forward movement of the lower jaw should be made by rotational movements. The larger the amplitude of the rotations, the more effective the exercise will be. But do not overdo it, otherwise, in addition, you will also have to be treated for a dislocation of the jaw .

These exercises are needed to clear the ear of the fluid that clogs the auditory ducts. Thanks to this specific gymnastics, the fluid moves to the nasopharynx and exits the body.

Answering the question what to do, if the ears pawn often and unreasonably, first of all it should be said about the doctor's consultation. Most likely, the problem lurks in the depth of the body, and it can be detected only through a thorough examination.